Where are they now?

Many former Ph.D. students now hold academic or heritage management positions.

Despina Catapoti, From power to paradigm: rethinking the emergence of the "palatial phenomenon" in Bronze Age Crete (Ph.D. completed 2006)

Despina Catapoti is a lecturer in cultural theory and digital culture in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean.

Follow Despina Catapoti on Academia.edu http://aegean.academia.edu/despinacatapoti. (link opens new window)

Eddy Faber, Middle Minoan Polychrome pottery: an integrated microstructural, geochemical and mineralogical investigation of its production technology and provenance (Ph.D. completed 2004)

Eddy Faber is a Teaching Associate and Research Technician in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Nottingham. See his University Home Page for more information about his current research. (link opens a new window)

Will Gilstrap, Ceramic production technology and exchange in the LHIIIB Period in the area of the Saronic Gulf, Greece (Ph.D. completed 2015)

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Missouri Columbia, Archaeometry Laboratory, University of Missouri Research Reactor.

Follow Will Gilstrap on Academia.edu https://missouri.academia.edu/WilliamGilstrap. (link opens new window)

Yannis Hamilakis, Strategies for survival and strategies for domination: wine, oil and "social complexity" in Bronze Age Crete (Ph.D. completed 1995)

Yannis Hamilakis is now Professor of Archaeology at the University of Southampton. See his University Home Page for more information about his current research. (link opens a new window)

Follow Yannis Hamilakis on Academia.edu http://soton.academia.edu/httpwwwsotonacukarchaeologyprofileshamilakishtml. (link opens new window)

Angeliki Karagianni, Time in the Late Bronze Age Aegean: Examining Temporality in Knossos and Pylos on the basis of the Linear B documents and the archaeological record (Ph.D. completed 2011)

Angeliki Karagianni held a Post-Doc at the Institut für Klassische Archäologie, University of Heidelberg.

Follow Angeliki Karagianni on Academia.edu http://uni-heidelberg.academia.edu/AngelikiKaragianni. (link opens new window)

Athanasia Krahtopoulou, Late Quaternary alluvial history of northern Pieria, Macedonia, Greece (Ph.D. completed 2000)

Athanasia (Nancy) Krahtopoulou is a prehistoric archaeologist-geoarchaeologist at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Karditsa, Thessaly, Greece.

Follow Athanasia Krahtopoulou on Academia.edu https://culture.academia.edu/AthanasiaNancyKrahtopoulou. (link opens new window)

Michael Lane, Names and numbers: an inquiry into scribal practice at Late Bronze Age Pylos in the south-western Peloponnese (Ph.D. completed 2004)

Michael Lane is Assistant Professor in the Ancient Studies Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

Follow Michael Lane on Academia.edu http://umbc.academia.edu/MichaelLane. (link opens new window)

Noémi Müller, Technology of Bronze Age Cooking Vessels from Akrotiri (Ph.D. completed 2009)

Noémi Müller is Scientific Research Officer, British School at Athens, Fitch Laboratory. See her University Home Page for more information about her current research. (link opens a new window)

Eleni Nodarou, Pottery production, distribution and consumption in early Minoan West Crete: an analytical perspective (Ph.D. completed 2003)

Eleni Nodarou is the Ceramic Petrographer at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete. (link opens new window)

Follow Eleni Nodarou on Academia.edu http://instapstudycenter.academia.edu/EleniNodarou. (link opens new window)

Eva Panagiotakopulu, Studies on insect synanthropy from the Eastern Mediterranean (Ph.D. completed 1996)

Eva Panagiotakopulu is a Lecturer in Palaeoecology, School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh. See her University Home Page for more information about her current research. (link opens a new window)

Yannis Papadatos, Mortuary practices and their importance for the reconstruction of society and life in Prepalatial Crete: the evidence from Tholos Tomb Gamma in Archanes-Phourni (Ph.D. completed 1999)

Yannis Papadatos is lecturer of Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology. See his University Home Page for more information about his current research. (link opens a new window)

Follow Yannis Papadatos on Academia.edu http://uoa.academia.edu/YiannisPapadatos. (link opens new window)

Olympia Peperaki, Complexity, power and "associations that matter" : rethinking social organisation in the Early Bronze Age 2 mainland Greece (Ph.D. completed 2007)

Olympia Peperaki is an art historian, Ephorate of Modern and Contemporary Monuments of Thessaly.

Follow Olympia Peperaki on Academia.edu http://culture.academia.edu/OliaPeperaki. (link opens new window)

Patrick Quinn, Ceramic micropalaeontology: the analysis of microfossils in archaeological ceramics with special reference to its application in the southern Aegean (Ph.D. completed 1999)

Patrick Quinn is Senior Research Associate in Ceramic Petrography, Institute of Archaeology, UCL. See his University Home Page for more information about his current research. (link opens a new window)

Maria Relaki, Social arenas in Minoan Crete: a regional history of the Mesara in south-central Crete from the Final Neolithic to the end of the Protopalatial period (Ph.D. completed 2004)

Maria Relaki is a Associate Lecturer at The Open University in the East Midlands.

Follow Maria Relaki on Academia.edu http://open.academia.edu/MariaRelaki. (link opens new window)

Simona Todaro, The Phaistos Hills Before the Palace: A Chronological and Functional Reassessment (Ph.D. completed 2011)

Simona Todaro is a Faculty Member, Dipartimento di studi archeologici, filologici e storici, Università di Catania.

Follow Simona Todaro on Academia.edu http://unict.academia.edu/SimonaTodaro. (link opens new window)

Sevasti Triantaphyllou, A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric cemetery populations from western and central Greek Macedonia (Ph.D. completed 1999)

Sevi Triantaphyllou is a Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessoliniki.

Follow Sevasti Triantaphyllou on Academia.edu http://auth.academia.edu/SeviTriantaphyllou. (link opens new window)

Soultana-Maria Valamoti, Archaeobotanical investigation of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age agriculture and plant exploitation in Northern Greece (Ph.D. completed 2001)

Soultana-Maria Valamoti is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. See her University Home Page for more information about her current research. (link opens a new window)

Follow Soultana-Maria Valamoti on Academia.edu http://auth.academia.edu/SoultanaValamoti. (link opens new window)

Georgios Vavouranakis, Funerary landscapes east of Lasithi, Crete, in the Bronze age (Ph.D. completed 2002)

Georgios Vavournakis is a Faculty Member, School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University.

Follow Georgios Vavouranakis on Academia.edu http://eap.academia.edu/GiorgosVavouranakis. (link opens new window)

Harriet White, Production technology of Byzantine lead-glazed ware from Corinth (Ph.D. completed 2009)

Harriet White now works for the Archaeological Science division of English Heritage Research Department.