Participants of the 17 Sept 2024 course will have received a link to the participant resources in the confirmation email by w/c 5th August. 


Before the course

Please ensure you've completed the Participant Form (this will have been emailed to you but is also available via the link above)

Participants are expected to be familiar with basic X-ray diffraction theory. To aid in this, and ensure a common base of knowledge, please watch the Video Lectures available via the link above.  [Estimated time: 3hrs]

Download and install GSAS-II software (via the button below) on the laptop you will bring to the course, and ensure that this is working. [Estimated time: 30 mins]

During the course

Participants are expected to attend in person, there is NOT an hybrid or online option. 

Participants are expected to bring a laptop with GSAS-II software installed and checked. Please ensure you bring your charger/power supply as you will be working from this throughout the day.

You will receive a hard-copy Course Notes text book that we will use extensively on the day. As well as a short "workbook" of exercises that will form the bulk of the afternoon session.