7.1 Panel Session

During the talks and poster presentations the views of engineering academics working in traditional higher education institutions are well represented. But anyone that works in the field knows that practical education happens in a range of institutions and the complexity of this type of teaching takes a team to deliver. This session is an opportunity for delegates to ask questions to a panel of guests from a range of backgrounds.

Ellie Giulietti

Ellie is reading General Engineering at the University of Sheffield. She plans to specialise in Energy and Sustainability and, after graduating, hopes to work in an engineering company focusing on renewable energy or sustainability in some way. Ellie will provide insight into the student view of practical engineering education.

Jenny Burnham

Jenny is a Senate award winning Senior University teacher that has published in the field of teaching chemistry in higher education. In her own words "I go by the name of Jenny Burnham and I firmly believe that boron is the best element in the periodic table." Jenny can answer questions about how the sciences approach practical education.

Wendy Miller

Wendy Miller is the Learning and Teaching Lead at The University of Sheffield, AMRC Training Centre specifically set up for apprenticeships from Level 3 Advanced to Degree level. The role involves the development of teaching practice, the curriculum and improvement of the learner experience. Wendy can comment on the challenges of teaching to part time students who are also working.

Harriet Drouin

Harriet is the Senior Teaching Technician for the Bioengineering Tissue laboratory in The Diamond. Harriet has a PhD in biomaterials for bone regeneration and has recently submitted her Master’s dissertation studying student engagement with practical engineering education.. Harriet can comment on the technical aspects of the delivering teaching to engineering students.

Rebecca Wright

Rebecca works at the AMRC's Integrated Manufacturing Group (IMG) / Factory 2050. She is currently studying on a Degree Apprenticeship and has been very successful - winning the Advanced Apprentice of the Year in the York/Humber region, she was also a finalist in the national competition. Rebecca can answer questions about the value of practical teaching in preparing students for the workplace.

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