
Videos now on our website

A selection of videos are no available on this website. Head to the programme and select the session number from the drop down menu.

Opportunity to publish a full paper

Thank you for submitting your Abstract for the Practical Engineering Education conference 2021. We intend to make these available to delegates using our website. We are becoming increasingly excited about the event and hope the relaxation in Covid restrictions remain to allow it to take place in person in Sheffield.

We have some great news to share. We have received interest from Sage publishing to create a special issue (or part of one) of the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education with the full papers submitted.

Given the last 18 months, we hadn’t anticipated asking presenters to go to the trouble of preparing and submitting full papers. We appreciate the summer this year is a chance to take a well earned rest. However, we would also like to provide the opportunity for you to submit a fill paper if you would like to publish the work. We are therefore inviting anyone that wishes to submit a full paper to do so. We will then check these for appropriateness for submitting to the IJMEE. The publisher will ensure the quality of any of their publications by putting any of our submissions through a peer review process. Any papers that do not pass the initial selection or the publisher’s peer review will still be put onto our website and compiled into our own proceedings so that presenters can reference them in the future.

If you would like to make a submission, please use the template provided on our website. If there are aspects of the template that are unclear or not mentioned, drop us a line and I will update the copy on the website.

In order to give your publication the best chance of successfully being published by the journal, they have advised trying to ensure the following aspects are covered:

  • Originality of the work.

  • Quality, with particular reference to evidencing the impact of the intervention made against the aims of the work.

  • Relevance to practical engineering education. Having discussed the multidisciplinary nature of the submission, it has been agreed that almost anything in the field of engineering education would be applicable to the journal, as mechanical engineering is quite a broad discipline.

  • Value. Are there parts of the work presented implementable by educators at other institutions in their context?

We do need to set a deadline for submission of the full papers, so that we can begin the process. Ideally this would be before the conference takes place on the 16th September 2021. However, in order to be as accommodating as possible, we will accept full papers until 30th September 2021.

Abstracts have been reviewed

We are pleased to announce that the abstracts has been selected for an oral presentation , demonstrations or posters at the Practical Engineering Education conference 2021.

Presenters will be given a 15-minute presentation, with Q&A at the end of each block of 4 presentations in one session and Posters will be provided with 3-5 minutes in the main room to give an overview of the work and invite people to discuss further next to the poster, which will be on display in the coffee /lunch breaks.

The programme can be found here.

We are now requesting titles of your presentation, the names (with titles) of all authors as well as their affiliations by 25th June 2021.You can submit the final version of your abstract by end of July 2021; this will be published on the conference website.

Exhibitors and Sponsors

PEE21 will be run in alongside the sister conference, Unimaker. Both conferences have had a huge response for speakers and presenters and we have had submissions from over 25 institutions including Imperial College London, University College Dublin, Canterbury Christchurch University, University of Edinburgh, Cardiff University, Glasgow University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rice University, Weizenbaum Institute and University of Potsdam, CREATE Education Project, Trotec Laser Ltd and many more.

We are now seeking exhibitors and sponsorship for either or both conferences.

Exhibitors will be located in a prime location within The Diamond Building and attendees will have plenty of opportunity to engage with your company. We are also looking to engage our student population so there will be opportunities to engage with the engineers of the future. Sponsors will have their logo displayed on our publicity materials and on our digital communications.

  • The cost to exhibit will be £250 for one conference or £300 for both.

  • The cost to sponsor will be £250 for one conference or £300 for both.

  • To sponsor and exhibit will be £500 for one conference or £600 for both.

Booking information can be found here:

If you wish to exhibit, sponsor, exhibit and sponsor both conferences, please email .

Reviewing the abstracts

We have been absolutely delighted with the level of interest and have received a huge number of high quality submissions. The submission deadline has now closed and our conference team, of both internal and external people, are reviewing the submissions and we will let you know the outcomes of the review as soon as possible.

We have also planned the programme for the two days of the conference. We plan to spend the first day, the 16th of September, focusing on Remote and Blended Delivery of Labs, as this is (unsurprisingly) of significant interest. The second day, the 17th September, will look at the Pedagogy of Practicals. In order to accommodate the number of abstracts submitted, we have taken the decision to keep presentations short. Selected abstracts will be invited to either give a 15 presentation with an opportunity for Q&A afterward or deliver a 3 minutes quickfire presentation to support exhibiting a poster displayed during the networking breaks and lunches that occur throughout the two days. All of the presentations will be supported by online content accessible to the delegates.

As this is the first time the conference has run, we were unsure about the interest there would be in this particular field of Engineering Education. Given the overwhelming response we have had, we are now fully committed to going ahead. Block out the days of the 16th and 17th of September in your diary now! We are hoping that Covid restrictions will be lifted enough to allow us to go ahead with our plan to hold the conference face to face and we can welcome delegates to our iconic Diamond building in Sheffield.

Now we have a good idea about numbers, we have been able to determine the prices we need to charge to cover the cost of putting on the conference. We have worked hard to keep the cost as low as possible, in order to encourage attendance, at an early bird rate of £125. We will also be offering a discount for attending the both PEE and sister conference, Unimaker. We will let you know when the shop is open to buy tickets.

#PEE21 is sponsored by