9th September 2021

What happens post-COVID?

How engineering education has evolved for a digital future

The move towards increased levels of online teaching and hybrid education have required an overhaul of traditional pedagogies, and while the teaching and assessment styles and strategies that have emerged may not be new, their widespread application certainly is.

During this event we discuss the innovations in engineering teaching demonstrated over the past 18 months as our panel of experts focus on the future of engineering education after the pandemic.

This interactive discussion and networking event, hosted by the EERN UK and Ireland Newer Researcher Network, provides an opportunity to actively engage in discussion about how the Engineering Education Research (EER) community has responded to the pandemic and what the future of engineering education may look like.

EERN UK and Ireland Newer Researcher Network provides a place where researchers who are new to the field of Engineering Education Research can gain support and knowledge. We see this occurring through the sharing of ideas and experiences, and as your representatives on the UK&IE EERN committee.
At the event, education practitioners and researchers share their latest scholarship activities and practices to the wider audience followed by a virtual poster and networking session and a Q&A. The event will provide a platform to network and share best practices and ideas.