Chemistry at the nanometre scale

Nanoscale Chemistry Research Group

LightFest: ignite your curiosity in a free, hands-on scientific exhibition about light, the quantum world and a greener future in Sheffield's Millenium Galleries from March 13th - 16th.

View theLightfest trailer and read more here.

Our research is focussed on the structures, properties and reactivity of molecular surfaces on nanometre length scales. Our interests include:

Nanoplasmonics: we design biomimetic materials to control quantum-optical phenomena;

Molecular nanofabrication: we develop nanophotonic tools to build molecular objects smaller than 100 nm;

Nanoscale biological interfaces: we create functional biomolecular structures with molecular-scale dimensions;

Nanotribology: we study molecular interactions in nanometre scale contacts, for applications ranging from haircare to laundry products.

Our Research pages tell you about our work in more detail.

PhD Opportunity: Revolutionizing Sustainable Surface Treatments for Natural Fibres

The link takes you to a search box; enter "Leggett" under "supervisor" to find full details

Programme Grant

Molecular Photonic Breadboards

A 6-year, £7.3M EPSRC multi-investigator project

Molecular Photonic Breadboards: The Movie

This short video tells you about the goals of our programme grant

Recent Research

Tribochemical Nanolithography

Our Funders

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Some of our key papers

Low-Dimensional Chemistry

EPSRC Programme Grant 2010-2016

Sheffield Surface Analysis Centre

Physics of Life Network

An EPSRC Physics Grand Challenge Network

The Snomipede

UKRI Basic Technology Grant 2005-2009