reducing waste and Recycling tips

waste hierarchy

Reducing waste is more important than recycling! There are lots of ways you can reduce the amount of waste produced by your household!

DID you know?

Up to 60% of your household rubbish could be composted! Home composting transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a nutrient rich food for your garden. All you need is a compost bin and some outdoor space.

Find out about more ways you can reduce your household waste here.

How we can reduce our single plastic use?

Single-use plastics like straws or plastic bags seem harmless, but actually, it has a steep environmental price—one that we’ll be paying off for millennia. Instead of investing in quality goods that will last, we often prioritize convenience over durability and consideration of long-term impacts.

  • Always carry a reusable bag with you!

  • Cook more often, to reduce your use of plastic-heavy takeout containers.

  • Buy in bulk. Avoid individually packaged goods, like snack packs.

  • Online shipments are full of plastic. Your best bet to reduce your footprint and plastic waste? Walk, bike, or take public transit to buy in-person.

  • Avoid plastic wrap altogether by storing leftovers in reusable containers. Try reusable and compostable beeswax wrap for an easy and decorative option.

  • If you like using a straw - buy a metal or bamboo reusable straw! Pack it alongside reusable cutlery (like wood, bamboo, or metal chopsticks).

  • Buy a reusable bottle instead of drinking bottled water!

Source: Single-Use Plastics 101


Unfortunately, in Sheffield you can't put all types of recyclable materials to the brown and paper bin.

Your brown bin is for glass, cans and plastic bottles.
Your blue bin is for paper and card.

But what about plastic items such as tubs, pots and food trays? You can still recycle them on your local recycling site!

Find your closest recycling site here.

You can also take your household waste to any of household waste recycling centres.


BHF accepts items like:

  • Furniture: sofas, beds, dining table and chairs and more (upholstered furniture must have fire labels).

  • Electricals: TVs, washing machines, fridges.

  • Homewares: vases, soft furnishings.

  • Fashion: clothes, shoes, accessories.

  • Books: travel, fiction, kids.

  • Entertainment: instruments, vinyl’s and more.

  • Gadgets: consoles, tablets, laptops

  • Fitness equipment

Book a free collection or find your local shop on BHF website.

recycling at university explained in 60 seconds

Yes, it is THAT easy!

Mixed recycling

University collects all recycling in the same bin! Moreover, you can recycle more types of materials at University! You don't have to look for your local recycling site, just recycle it on campus!

Paper and card

  • White paper

  • Coloured paper

  • Newspapers and magazines

  • Leaflets

  • Envelopes

  • Books

  • Journals

  • All grades of card


  • All colours of glass bottles and jar


  • All types of tins, cans and foil, including sweet tins and other similar items


  • Tubs: Containing non-food items for example hand cream, wipes, detergent and cleaning products; and food items such as soup pots and margarine tubs

  • Bags: Plastic bags and polythene

  • Bottles: All types of plastic bottles - if it has a lid it can be recycled

  • Pots: Hard pots without lids, for example yoghurt pots and noodle pots

  • Trays that hold fruit, vegetables, cakes and biscuits

  • Moulded plastic packaging from non-food items, for example from batteries or memory sticks

Please remember to give the recycling a quick rinse if needed.

Get more information about other University Recycling Schemes here

Not sure what to do with CDs and DVDs? And what about solvents? Check out this excellent guide about recycling provided by our Estates and Facilities Management Team!