Food Tips
Shop local, here are some options for you to try...
It locates in the city centre, with over 90 independent traders providing a various range of products (vegetables, fruits, meats, Thai/Caribbean/African food stalls...etc.). All the grocery shops are in an indoor, spacious and clean space. Do not have to worry about the weather, it will not be able to bother you while shopping in the Moor Market. Most importantly, Feel free to bring your reusable bags and containers while shopping, the stallers are all friendly to help for boosting more sustainable outcome.
Where is it? only within walking distance!
The Moor Open Market locates right outside the indoor Moor Market which was just mentioned above. It displays more daily essencial goods than food, you can find things from flower, plants to suitcases and paintings, the range is very broad. Check here to see where it is.
Another open market locates in King Street, the other side of city centre, but it still takes 15 minutes walking distance only from the department to this destination. It consists of around 18 stalls, some second-hand events also take place occasionally, another very attractive point to pay a visit to. Check here to see where it is.
Depending on the seasons and some special occasions, there have been Christmas Market which held annually, Vegan Market as well as Sheffield Food Festival where you can have a taste of different food cross the world etc. They mostly take place in a spacious open area but still within the city centre, the locations tend to differ from which event it is going to be.
An example of the Christmas Market (the website updates annually) and where it locates.
An example of the Vegan Market and where it usually locates.
Benefits for the environment
did you know?
Shop and eat locally can decrease the carbon emission from importing, exporting and shipping food from places to places.
You can enjoy fresher products as well as other benefits including protect the local community by buying locally.
10 reasons and bonus of buying local as well as the influences regarding unnecessary packaging towards the environment.
According to a study, around 30% of the global greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, it is resulted from the food miles traveling from countries to countries. See how much you can be sustainable by shopping local food.
Carbon FOOTprint hierachy
How your action can make a difference from shopping locally.
See a study about food waste and conscious shopping due to shopping locally.
Shop local not only benefits your budget, decreases the food waste, but also boosts your health!
Decrease the additional cost of buying food from the fact that the price adds up due to the transporting procedure.
Home prepared food can be targeted more various kinds of vegetables and healthier ingredients which are also cheaper in the ones displayed in the supermarkets. Furthermore, local markets are more likely to provide 'seasonal food' which tends to be more nutritious!
more ideas for sustainable eating habits
try vegan
not only in veganary!
not only in veganary!
During the 2021 campaign, there has been more than a half a million people being inspired to try vegan.
Less Carbonfoot print,
more land and water
more land and water
Having a plaint based diet consumes 2.5 less carbon emissions than a meat diet.
A shocking fact that, in the US, 70% of the grain grown goes to the livestock, plus, 83% of farmland in the earth is utilised for stock raising.
Plants grown helps conserve clean water, nourishes soil, and purify the air.
According to a study, veganism can reduce nearly 1/3 carbon footprint by individuals.
UN has also started to strongly encourage people to adjust to a vegetarian/vegan diet for saving the climate change, (Extracted from The Guardian) “Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.''
Many people worry if veganism is less likely to consume enough protein, however, the fact is, beans/peas, nuts, tofu, tempeh and lentils etc. are all very nice protein sources, some of them even contain more protein than actual meat!
Try meat-free not only on monday!
Just one beefburger needs 30 bathtubs of water to produce.
Livestock production activity uses roughly 1/3 of all land on Earth.
See what the children in the UK think about climate change and its interrelationship with meat!
Link to the World Meat Free Week and have a calculation to see how much impact you can create from having a meat free day.
The first world meet-free week took place in 2020!