Local Interview

Seeking Young Participants with Chinese Heritage for Local Interview in Sheffield

Are you of Chinese heritage, aged between 11 and 18, and living in Sheffield? We're excited to hear your story! Join us for an insightful one-hour group interview where you can share your experiences and viewpoints.

We'll explore various topics including languages, culture, daily life, experiences with racism, relationships, and more.

Interview Details:

⏰ Duration: 1 hour

🌐 Format: Either online or in-person, based on your preference

Why Participate?

🔊 Make Your Voice Heard: Share your unique experiences and perspectives with a broader audience.

🤝 Connect with Peers: Engage with peers who share your heritage in a fun and interactive setting.

📚 Be Part of Research: Contribute to a project that highlights your life and experiences. It's a valuable addition to your personal and academic journey.

We’re happy to provide a letter for your school, acknowledging your involvement in this project. As a thank you for joining our study and sharing with us, you'll receive a £10 Amazon voucher. 

Interested? Here’s How to Get Involved:

📩 Simply email Sabine at s.little@sheffield.ac.uk OR Yue at yue.zhou@sheffeild.ac.uk, and we'll provide you with all the details you need to participate.

We’re excited to hear from you and look forward to your participation in this insightful project! 🌈



⏰ 时长:1小时

🌐 形式:线上或线下,取决于你的喜好


🔊 让你的声音被听到:与更广泛的观众分享你独特的经历和观点。

🤝 与同龄人建立联系:在一个有趣互动的环境中与其他拥有相似文化背景的同龄人交流。

📚 参与研究:为一个与你的生活息息相关的研究项目做出贡献。这将为你的个人和学术发展提供宝贵的经验。



📩 如果你感兴趣,请通过电子邮件联系Sabine(s.little@sheffield.ac.uk)或周越(yue.zhou@sheffield.ac.uk),我们将为你提供参与所需的所有详细信息。期待你的参与!