Get up to speed with Physics

In this section, you will find all the information you need to help you get up to speed with physics.

Physics plays an integral role in Materials Science and Engineering, so it is useful to keep some of the key topics from the A Level syllabus fresh in your mind. You will come across subjects like Measurements and their errors, Mechanics and materials, and Further mechanics and thermal physics at different times in your course.

You will need to know about the following:

  • The atom

  • Electron shells

  • Fundmental particles

  • Atomic and mass numbers

  • Isotopes

  • Electron shells

  • Fundamental particles

  • Photons

  • Line spectra

  • The photoelectric effect

  • Wave-particle duality

  • Electron diffraction

  • Interference

  • Single slit diffraction

  • Double slit defraction

  • Diffraction gratings

  • Types of wave

  • Wave characteristics

  • Waves in and out of phase

  • Longitudinal vs transverse waves

  • Superposition

  • Stationary waves