Talks and Presentations


November: University LGBT+ STEM Group
Sheffield, UK
Invited Talk: Member of discussion panel as a post PhD member of LGBT+ staff.

June: Undergraduate Seminar
Sheffield, UK
Contributed talk: Pathways to a PhD.

April: Student Voice Cafe.
Sheffield, UK
Co-chaired session: How does my gender affect my experience of being in the university or my department?


February: Postgraduate research outreach.
Sheffield, UK
Talk: Preferential attachment and other related random networks

January: Probability group seminar series
Köln, Germany
Talk: Coexistence in preferential attachment networks with location


July: Research Students’ Conference in Probability and Statistics. Sheffield, UK
Talk: Coexistence in preferential attachment graphs with locations

June: ICMS, Stochastic Networks.
Edinburgh, UK
Poster: Preferential attachment with location based choice 

April: Science Faculty Showcase
Sheffield, UK
Poster: Linear growth of followers in social networks

April: Easter Probability Meeting
Sheffield, UK
Poster: Preferential attachment with location based choice


September: Extremal Combinatorics
Warwick, UK
Talk: Preferential attachment with weighted choice

July: 47th Probability Summer School
St Flour, France,
Talk: Preferential attachment Models with location based fitness

April: Research Students’ Conference in Probability and Statistics
Durham, UK
Talk: Preferential attachment models with location based fitness 

March: Research Students’ Seminar
Sheffield, UK
Talk: Preferential attachment models with location based fitness 

January: Tapton Sixth Form College
Sheffield, UK
Talk: What does research in random graphs involve?

January: Probability in the North East (PiNE)
Sheffield, UK
Talk: Generalised model of attachment with location


June: Research Students’ Conference in Probability and Statistics
Dublin, UK,
Talk: Preferential attachment graphs with fitness based on median choice