Dr Mark Yarrow

I first came to Sheffield in September 2015 when I began my PhD in Applied Probability. The topic of my thesis was was random graphs and other related random networks. 

A week before I handed in my PhD thesis in August 2019, I took up the role of Executive Editor of the Applied Probability Trust. Based in the Sheffield's School of Mathematics and Statistics, the Applied Probability Trust is a community supporting organization which is primarily focused on publishing two world leading research journals, the Journal of Applied Probability and Advances in Applied Probability.

In January 2022, I took on the role of Executive Manager of the Biometrika Trust which decided to move its base of operations from University College London to Sheffield so both trusts could be managed in tandem. 

I remain fully involved in school activities by lecturing courses on probability and engaging in research and administrative activities. I am particularly keen in being involved in equality, diversity and inclusion activities going on in the school, university and wider community.