

Can numbers help tell stories?

Skill Builder

Skill Builder

Four reasons to use Stop Motion with pupils

An extended whole morning or afternoon session works well for this.  Alternatively, you may choose to complete parts A, B and C separately within your usual maths lessons.

Skill Builder Aims

The skill builder is made up of three parts A, B and C which aim to introduce pupils to Stop Motion and build competence in two key areas:

Which app should I use?

There are lots of specialist apps available for mobile devices such as Stop Motion Studio.  

You can also use a digital camera and built-in movie maker features such as video editor in Windows 10. 

For a very simple approach you can even use PowerPoint or Google Slides.   

Stop Motion Studio

Good because...

(Android, iPhone iPad)

Free to install

Why use stop motion animation in the classroom?

Screening films produced by pupils

Overview of screening options.

Activities for children - parts A, B and C

Part A What is stop motion animation? 

Stop motion with a tablet computer

A short introduction

what does animate mean

whole class activity

1 and 3 are good answers with perhaps number 1 being the most complete.  Animate doesn’t necessarily involve cartoons and cartoons can be motionless.

Part B What does stop motion look like?

Use the google slides and the clips below to show pupils different types of stop motion animation.  This can be done individually, in pairs or as a class.  It is useful to show pupils that animations can use a variety of props and tell stories or communicate a message.

stop motion clips activity.pdf

Pupil activity

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Part C  Stop motion challenge

Use the YouTube tutorial, google slide and the clip from BBC Bitesize to set pupils the challenge of producing a 5 second stop motion animation using any object(s) close to hand.

Making your first animation

Maths skill builder stop motion animation challenge

Skill builder activity slides

Top tips for Stop Motion

Stop motion animation_ Top tips.pdf

More inspiration...

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