Awards process

How do we become a Maker{School}?

We have made the Maker{School} awards process simple, useful and supportive.  Schools are recognised through bronze, silver and gold Maker{School} Awards - a structured approach which supports schools to develop their maker-centred learning. Each award follows the same path and begins with whole staff development - appropriate to where you are and your priorities as a school.  

In true Maker{School} style...

You will be given the opportunity to tinker with your portfolio following a supportive conversation with a member of our Maker{Futures} team.

What does it cost?

There is a £100 administration fee to apply for each award level. This covers our staff time to run the project, provide support and assess your application.  

Other costs

We offer a range of free and accessible resources and ways to get started. Typically, schools can expect to fund professional development training, time for staff, equipment and consumables as they develop as a Maker{School}. We also offer visits from our Maker{Move} mobile makerspace. 


We have a small number of bursaries to help schools achieve their Bronze and Silver Awards. 

Bronze bursary (approx value of £1,000) covers:

Silver bursary (approx value of £2,500) covers:

We rely on funding and donations from our partners and supporters to cover the bursary costs and so the number we have is limited. If you would like to apply for either a Bronze or Silver Bursary, please complete an application here

If you would like to help more schools become Maker{Schools} by donating to our bursary fund, please get in touch by emailing - Thank you.