University can offer up a whole host of new experiences, relationships and expectations for students. Whilst some relish these changes, others can find them daunting and impactful on their studies. Getting used to this new environment and developing good strategies to deal with these new challenges can help make being a student even more enjoyable and can reduce stress when you have assignments or exams to prepare for.

Meet the team!

Within the History Department, we have a dedicated Student Support team who can help you with a range of access, wellbeing and support needs. In this short video we introduce ourselves, and let you know how to find us. Come say hi!

Chris Mowat (they/them) is in Jessop West 1.11. Their email address is c.mowat@sheffield.ac.uk, or you can book an appointment slot on this link.

Nico Black (she/her) is in Jessop West 1.12. Her email address is n.black@sheffield.ac.uk, or you can book an appointment slot on this link.

Dr Tehyun Ma (she/her) is in Jessop West 1.10. Her email address is tehyun.ma@sheffield.ac.uk, or you can find her student hours on the History Student Hub.

You can also email our dedicated welfare email address, history.ugwelfare@sheffield.ac.uk, for any questions about wellbeing or support in the department.

The University’s Student Wellbeing Service

The Student Wellbeing Service can offer short term support if you’re experiencing difficulties in maintaining your overall sense of wellbeing. You can book an appointment with the Faculty’s Student Wellbeing Advisers, Ben Webster and Cat Atkinson, if you’re feeling down, overwhelmed or struggling with any aspect of student life. They also keep a blog with a range of resources and some good reads.

The Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies Service

Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies Service is the first point of contact for students to explore a broad range of mental health support needs. The service is staffed by experienced mental health professionals who will assess student mental health needs and direct them to the most appropriate form of support. 

If you need support with your mental health during your studies, a one-off triage appointment with Student Mental Health is your first port of call.


The University of Sheffield works with Togetherall to provide online support for mental health. Togetherall is a safe, online community where people can share and support each other anonymously. Professionally trained Wall Guides monitor the community to ensure your safety and anonymity. As a registered student, it is free for you to access and available 24/7. You will need to use your university email address to sign up, but then you will pick an unrelated username to interact with.