Exam Revision and Technique

Revision can seem daunting, and the exam period can feel like a very stressful time. Developing strategies to make sure you review the material and make the most of your time can make sure you are in the best position to tackle the exams. Here, we share some tips and resources for revision and exam preparation. See also our History Hacks guides to exam assessment and gobbets

Most of these resources were developed in the immediate aftermath of the Covid pandemic and may refer to a 'return' to in-person exams and teaching. We have 'returned' to in-person exams and teaching for over three years now, so keep in mind where these are products of their time! The broader advice given in these videos though remains applicable. If precise instructions diverge from what you have been given in current handbooks, Blackboard sites, or teaching, please refer to current course materials- and note too that there are now additional resources on History Hacks like annotated marking criteria.   

Check it out: Looking after your wellbeing during the exam period

The Student Wellbeing Service put on a webinar about looking after your mental health and wellbeing during exam period. If you weren't able to attend, you can still watch the recording of the webinar.

Check it out: 301 introduction to exam revision

The 301: Academic Skills Centre have an introduction to the key steps in revision and exam preparation, with some tips on how to keep yourself motivated.

Workshop: Revision and exam advice, 2021-22

This workshop with Dr. Lucy Brown discussed some tips on making the most of your exam revision. You can review the slides.

History Hacks Revision Workshop.pptx

Exams Workshop: 13th December 2022

This workshop with Dr. Chris Millard discussed the modules returning to in-person exams. You can review the slides and watch the video. Note that some advice reflects immediate post-pandemic circumstances. Use current course materials (e.g. Blackboard sites, handbooks) to check you are up to date.  

Exam Practicalities (AUT 22-23).pptx
History Hacks Exam Preparation Video.mov

Watch: What is a gobbet?

Gobbets are an integral part of History research and writing. At Level 2 and 3, our current programme tests gobbets through a mixture of coursework and invigilated exams. Generally, you should have a good idea of how to approach gobbets through discussions in seminars, but check out these slides and video going over the main aspects of what a gobbet is:

Gobbet Slides Easter 2023.pptx
Gobbet Exam Workshop (2023-04-26 10_01 GMT+1).mp4

Watch: Staying Productive at Home

The Student Communications Team have put together this short video on how to stay productive when working independently.  Whether you're at home or on-site, the hints and tips in this video will help you to get the most out of your time when working towards an exam or a deadline.