
Please sign the petition on this link to ask the Government to move hedgehogs to schedule 5 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 to allow them greater protection. European hedgehogs are now classed as vulnerable in Britain and desperately need our help.

Hedgehog Friendly Gardens

These things will also help encourage other wildlife into your garden!

View the above flow chart here.

Bonfire Night

Although a while away now, always be careful around bonfire night. Try not to build the bonfire before the day of lighting, and check for hedgehogs (as well as many other creatures who will find a cosy log pile inviting!)

Feeding Hedgehogs

Providing water and meaty cat or dog food can help a hedgehog greatly. You can make a shelter for the food using an upturned plastic box - just make sure the hole is small enough to keep out cats!

NEVER give hedgehogs milk or bread!

Hedgehogs Needing Help

Help hedgehogs in need with the guide above, and always call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society for help if needed. They can direct you to a local rescue.

Every Little Helps!

You don't need to commit a lot of time or effort to help hedgehogs in your daily life - here are some ideas for simple activities that can make a huge difference!

Hedgehog Dangers

Simple checks can avoid these dangers for our hedgehog friends.