Top 10 Women

Top 10 Women

Here we show the ten women who rank highest for different types of connections, from a selection of our texts (arranged chronologically). General rankings have also been given for comparison.

Both 'degree' and 'betweenness' measure the centrality of different people within their network. 'Degree' is a measurement of how many connections a person has, and 'Betweenness' is a measurement of how well connected a person is in and between networks.

Note: these graphs are compiled by A. Bazzan, S. Dahmen, M. MacCarron, S. Prado, and U. Vihervalli, and are licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC ND 4.0. They may be used but not adapted, provided proper attribution is given (see our citation guide here. Only non-commercial use is permitted.

See below for official license.

Eusebius of Caesarea - Historia Ecclesiastica

Gregory of Tours - Decem Libri Historiarum

Bede - Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum