Later Roman Empire

Character Lists

Here you can find lists of all the characters within the sources from the Later Roman Empire analysed by the Project. For each character we provide a unique identifier, the character name, their gender, and information on where they appear throughout the source.

Genders are recorded as either M (male), F (female), V (varied = groups with, or potentially with, mixed genders), and X (unspecified - e.g. angels and spirits).

We have also provided separate character lists of all the female characters within each source.

And finally, on the right-hand side, you can find lists of all female characters in the order in which they appear in the text.

See here for the ways in which we have connected these characters with each other in preparation for our network analysis.

Note: these character lists are compiled by J. Hillner, M. MacCarron, U. Vihervalli , R. Heffron, R. Flower and E. Bailey, and are licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0. They may be used and adapted, provided proper attribution is given (see our citation guide here). Only non-commercial use is permitted.

See below for official license.

Athanasius - Historia Arianorum

Character List

Athanasius character list.pdf

Female-Only Character List

athanasius character list female only.pdf

Female characters in order of appearance

athanasius female in order of appeareance list.pdf

Eusebius of Caesarea - Historia Ecclesiastica

Character List

Eusebius - Historia Ecclesiastica.pdf

Female-Only Character List

Eusebius - Histora Ecclesiastica (female characters).pdf

Female characters in order of appearance

Eusebius - Historia Ecclesiastica (order of appearance).pdf

Eusebius of Caesarea -Vita Constantini

Character List

Eusebius - Vita Constantini.pdf

Female-Only Character List

Eusebius - Vita Constantini (female characters).pdf

Female characters in order of appearance

Eusebius - Vita Constantini (order of appearance).pdf

Lactantius - De Mortibus Persecutorum

Character List

Lactantius - De Mortibus Persecutorum.pdf

Female-Only Character List

Lactantius - De Mortibus Persecutorum (female characters).pdf

Female Characters in order of appearance

Lactantius - DMP (order of appearance).pdf

Rufinus of Aquileia - Historia Ecclesiastica

Character List

Rufinus – Historia Ecclesiastica.pdf

Female-Only Character List

Rufinus – Historia Ecclesiastica (female characters).pdf

Female characters in order of appearance

Rufinus - Historia Ecclesiastica (order of appearance).pdf