
Sanitation is about maintaining public health. It is closely related to the provision of clean drinking water but is also about dealing with waste, particularly sewage. Adequate sanitation provision is vital to keeping people healthy and, with more people living closer together, is increasingly important in human development.

The River Clyde has experienced years of industrial activity, waste and litter since the 1800s with little consideration of the impact on the communities living along the banks, water quality or the wider environment. Much of the underground water and wastewater infrastructure dates back to the Victorian era and has required modernisation to accommodate the increasing population and urbanisation and pressures from climate change.

Can you propose ideas, in partnership with the community, to improve the situation?

4. Microplastics

Despite wastewater treatment plants being over 95% efficient in removing plastics, microplastic pollution is becoming an increasing problem and growing concerns for the environment, wildlife and human health. What ideas do you have to prevent and address the growing problem of plastics escaping into the environment and waterways?

5. Pollution

The River Clyde has experienced years of industrial activity, waste and litter since the 1800s with little consideration of the impact on the communities living along the banks, water quality or the wider environment. Despite efforts to clean up the River Clyde, nearly 62,000 items of litter flow down to the ocean and beaches downstream. Can you come up with any ideas to help prevent pollution or enable the clean up of the River Clyde to improve the appearance and health of the river for community use?

6. Public toilet facilities

People’s bathrooms and needs vary. In many parts of the world, a squat toilet is common, and different to a western-style toilet. Preferences and use vary depending on culture, availability of water, religion, age, gender or disability. What solutions do you have to ensure more inclusive public toilet facilities for the international community to feel more welcome in Govan? In an area where Mary Barbour is celebrated for their feminism, how might your ensure your design is fair to all genders, and challenge existing gender norms?

7. Public awareness campaigns

Disposing of household products like wipes with plastics, sanitary products, cooking oils, fats and grease can clump together and block pipes. Heavier rainfall due climate change adds pressure to the sewer system and risks overflowing which can block roads, pathways and contaminate the surrounding environment. A new nationwide campaign, Nature Calls, aims to ban wipes containing plastics to prevent sewer blockages and flooding that lead to pollution of the surrounding environment. Can you design a public awareness campaign to prevent undesirable waste being added to the sewer system?

8. Public toilet mapping

The Govan Cross Shopping Centre has well maintained public toilets with disabled access. Toilets are also accessible in most public buildings, cafes and restaurants in Govan. Outdoor socialising was encouraged as the pandemic lockdowns started to ease, however business and public toilets remained temporarily closed which increased public urination. There are numerous health conditions than can increase the frequency of needing the toilet, and a lack of facilities can lead to people being unable to leave their homes. Interactive maps such as Toilets Make Glasgow and the Lockdown Loo use local knowledge to plot public toilets that are available in the area. There is limited information on public toilet access in the Govan area. Can you come up with a way for people to be able to find their nearest public toilet?

Shieldhall wastewater treatment works

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To get you started

Start by researching the current situation in the area, its history, community strengths and hopes for change. There are many case studies featuring existing local projects and experts on the EWB webpage that will help you get started.

*you will need to create a login to view the EWB pages