Booking and Access

The Facility is not available to undergraduate student. Users must be registered with the BIS EM Facility and have received training on the instruments they wish to use before they can gain access to the booking system. Users must also read and sign the relevant Health & Safety information including the ‘Code of Practice’ before using the EM Facility. Please click here and use the Google form at the bottom of that page to confirm that you have read the required documentation. Once you have done so we will be able to arrange training and make the equipment accessible through Q-Reserve for you.

 Access to the unit is by swipe card.  Please send an image of your card to Chris for authorisation


Time on instruments is booked through Q-Reserve

Access to Q-Reserve for the relevant instrument will be given after successful training. You will receive an email notifying you that you have been given access, which will include a link to access the booking system, along with further instructions.

Booking occurs largely on a ‘first come first served’ basis. If you encounter any problem with booking, please get in touch with Chris or Svet (contact details on homepage).

To view all resources please click here.


Training is usually organised on a one-to-one or a small group basis. For registration please contact Chris Hill or Svetomir Tzokov. Chris and Svet will establish your training needs and then provide tailored training for you.   If you require work completed as a service we will discuss your requirements with you in detail and provide you with an estimate of the hours the work will take.