

Thursday 14th September

12:00- Welcome with lunch

1:00-14:30- Methodologies of/and Engagements:

Lurking as im/mobile engagement. A research protocol for observing mobile people’s online groups (Fabiola)

Being a Foreigner During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Researcher Positionality During Online Interviews (Aimi)

15:00- 16:30- Engaging (im)mobility

Choosing to Stay: Unpacking Immobility Amidst Adversity in Migration Studies (Ezenwa Olumba)

State-driven mobility: international academic mobility from the “Global South” (Leonardo)

Moving Publics and Private Spheres at the Margins: Homelessness in Times of Mobile Media (Vera)

17:00 Event - Handbook discussion/Manga launch/cultural event

Dinner at Cutlery Works

Friday 15th of September

10:00-10:30- Coffee Welcome

10:30 -12:00- ‘Connecting-with’ Mobilities

Navigating im/mobility: the challenges of conducting anthropological research in public transport environments (Chris and Sonja)

Women and mobility: understanding how gender shapes people-place interaction in the city of Delhi (Shivani)

NEXTPAT: South-South Skilled Mobilities Between Privilege and Precarity (Roger)

12:00-13:00- Lunch

13:00- 15:00- Mobilizing Ecologies- affects, animals and beyond

Exploring the Performative Assertions of Identity Among the Sylhetis: An Ethnographic Study of Migration History, Social Media Expressions, and Folklore (Antara)

Connecting, Co-Coping and Co-Hoping in the transnational space; Social Media and Social Cohesion among Ethiopian Transnational Migrant Workers in the UAE. (Saleh Sadem)

Mobilizing Grief: Shipibo-Konibos Grieving Practices on Facebook (Jennifer Sierra)

15:00-18:00 Afternoon workshops - thinking mobile in different observational modes

18:30- onwards Dinner and Drinks (TBC)


During the sessions we will have an 'OWL' videoconferencing device located in the room to assist with remote participation.

This will also mean that the sessions will be recorded, unless explicitly requested otherwise

Please use the link to the right during your allocated timeslot to present. We will be using the Google business suite, so please ensure that is supported on your browser (we recommend Chrome or Firefox)

Online Access

Day 1

Thursday, September 14 · 12:00 – 5:00pm

Time zone: Europe/London

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3937 2092‬ PIN: ‪653 988 384‬#

More phone numbers:

Day 2

Friday, September 15 · 10:00am – 5:00pm

Time zone: Europe/London

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3956 5326‬ PIN: ‪228 561 737‬#

More phone numbers:

For presenters

Each presentation has 20 minutes + discussion at the end of the panel.

You can upload your presentations in advance here

If you have an alternative format or timing you'd like to try please let us know