
FashionBrain (website)

FashionBrain is an EU H2020 project (GA: 732328) that aims at combining data from different sources to support different fashion industry players by predicting upcoming fashion trends from social media as well as by providing personalised recommendations and advanced fashion item search to customers. Human computation is fundamental for gathering and combining the sheer amount of data generated by different fashion industry multisectorial players, starting from manufacturers and distribution networks, to online shops, large retailers, and value-added services companies (e.g., social media analysis, market observers, call centers, press/magazines etc). A human-in-the loop approach allows the gathered data to be curated, analyzed and used as input for machines learning algorithms.

Slides by Alessando Checco: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-ozSWnINOy1dKfdjoZdVOITN6bDyMZy0

Qrowd (website)

Qrowd is a EU H2020 project (GA: 732194) that offers local government and transportation businesses innovative solutions to improve mobility, reduce traffic congestion and make navigation safer and more efficient. Better use of urban infrastructures and reduced travel times will improve the environment by curbing CO2 emissions – ultimately enhancing quality of life in European cities. Qrowd services flexibly combining efficient and scalable algorithms and configurable crowdsourcing services (paid microtasks, gamification methods, open challenges) with social networks as an integral part of the QROWD data integration platform.

Slides by Eddy Maddalena: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ey1N0Xdsjj2_m4g6bzjLfQRE9dWz6y4x47zhgMWCkBs