Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

Prizewinner Lucy Day

Lucy Day

Lucy's dissertation 'An investigation into the ways in which women’s weight might relate to patriarchy' earned her the Undergraduate Dissertation Prize this year.

On behalf of the dissertation panel, Andrey Rosowsky, outlined why Lucy's dissertation was selected for the prize, "This BA dissertation constitutes an excellent write up of an exemplary small-scale study. The topic is highly relevant and engaging. The writer’s understanding of the field of research within which the study sits is excellent and demonstrates a mature and acute appraisal of the many issues raised. The selection of methodological approach is judicious and justified intelligently and persuasively. The coherence and precision of the project is perhaps its most outstanding quality. From the first sentence of the introduction to its concluding words, there is a palpable sense of a researcher in control of both theory and method. Discussion is sensible and questioning. The written style is lucid and economical. I have no reservations in recommending this dissertation for the 2020-21 Prize."

On receipt of the award, Lucy said, “After spending months of meticulous planning, writing, and reviewing, I am extremely proud of the work produced and of winning this prize. Of course, achieving this award would not have been possible without the continued support from my supervisor, Dr Themesa Neckles.

The discipline required for the BA Dissertation has prepared me for the ‘step-up’ to Masters standard work. I will be starting a MMedSci in Adult Nursing this winter and hope to become a Palliative Care Specialist. Thank you for selecting my project for the Undergraduate Dissertation Prize. “

Congratulations to Lucy, we will follow your career with great interest!