Who we are
Lead investigators on the project include
Dr Christian Reynolds was originally a gastronomy and food studies scholar who has become an interdisciplinary academic, modelling the social, environmental, and economic impacts of healthy sustainable diets and food systems. Dr Reynolds has multidisciplinary experience of researching food issues in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, and has published 32 peer reviewed outputs, 311 citations, H-index: 10. Since 2016, Dr Reynolds has been a Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow for the N8 AgriFood project, based at the Department of Geography, University of Sheffield. In this role he has developed relationships across the agrifood sector; he has been PI and CoI of multiple research projects, and has communicated research to policy makers, stakeholders, industry and community groups. Since 2017, Dr Reynolds has been a Champion for STFC Food Network+; he is a founding member of the International Food Loss And Food Waste Studies Group (2014). Since 2018, Dr Reynolds has been a board member of the Food Research Collaboration Advisory Group (City University, London).
Dr Marisa Wilson uses ethnographic, oral history and visual/digital methods to increase understandings of food production and consumption in (post)colonial contexts. She has worked on Caribbean food economies (e.g. Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago) to illustrate cultural, historical and political economic reasons behind food preferences, agricultural land use and, more recently, the outcomes of nutrition and other interventions aimed at re-localising food. She is currently exploring the use of digital methods to increase understandings of sugar’s complex and transnational histories and geographies in Scotland and the West Indies. Dr Wilson is the Co-Head/Convenor of Food Researchers in Edinburgh (FRiED) Research Group.
Dr Andrew Warnes is Professor in American Studies at the School of English, University of Leeds. His first monograph Hunger Overcome? (2004) draws attention to images of abundance and avoidable want in African-American writings after 1900. A second book, Savage Barbecue: Race, Culture, and the Invention of America’s First Food (2008), explores imperial mythologies of barbecue, and shows how these invented etymologies merge distinctive Indian cultures into a single myth of antithetical savagery. His more recent research focuses on the cultural grammar of consumer desire and commodity flow in American life. This has led to American Tantalus: Horizons, Happiness and the Impossible Pursuits of US Literature and Culture (2014) and, most recently, a cultural history of the supermarket cart, which will be published by the University of California Press in 2019.
Dr Ioannis S Pantelidis is Chair of the The Council for Hospitality Management Education, and a principal lecturer in Hospitality Management at the University of Brighton. He is a Hospitality Action Guardian and has served on the Executive Board of the Institute of Hospitality and on the boards of three more charities. He is Director of The Association of North America Higher Education International. Dr Pantelidis’ Menumuseum.eu is an award winning research and teaching tool which received the SHARE excellence and innovation award in 2017. He has contributed to four star journals such as Tourism Management and is a founding member and Head of Brighton Hospitality Research which in 2015 transformed to the Tourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) research group. He is Co-Editor-In-Chief for Tourism and Hospitality Research (THR) by Sage an Associate Editor for Journal of Tourism (Revista de Turism), and sits in the editorial boards of Journal of Vacation Marketing (JVM), Tourism Today Journal (COTHM), Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT).