Food Research and Digital Scholarship

2019 Community Survey

The 2019 Community Survey closed on the 1st of December 2019. Thank you to the 200+ people who participated.

Food has become an increasingly popular subject of study due to its inherently multidisciplinary nature. However, due to this wide appeal, there is not one specific group of users who use one specific set of texts, archives etc. Many cultural institutions (museums, libraries etc.) have large collections relating to food, some of which, are now fully or partially digitised, and are accessible to the global research community. However, we do not know if researchers are currently using digitised collections, let alone which collections or types of materials should be given digitization priority.

This community survey is an attempt to start filling in this knowledge gap by asking what (and how) food scholars are currently using analogue and digital material, and how US and UK libraries and archives can better support food researchers through digitisation and activities. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes of your time.

Please note, when we say "cultural institution" in this survey, we are referring to multiple organisations that store and collect information for research use such as museums, libraries, and archives etc.

To take the Food Research and Digital Scholarship 2019 Community Survey survey please click on the link below:

This survey closed on the 1st of December 2019.

Project contact details for further information:

Lead Researcher for the University of Sheffield: Christian Reynolds (, Mail: C2, Geography and Planning Building, Winter Street, University of Sheffield, S3 7ND, Sheffield, United Kingdom

As this is a self-administered questionnaire, by answering the questions and submitting this survey, we are assuming you are giving consent so that the information you have provided can be used legally by the researchers. The information you will provide will be anonymised and used in publications, reports, web pages, and other research outputs. In addition, any information provided will be anonymised and deposited in the University of Sheffield Research Data Catalogue and Repository so it can be used for future research and learning. Personal details such as ORCID numbers will not be deposited. Taking part in this survey is voluntary and you can withdraw your information from the study at any time before December 2019. For more information on the study, the project's information sheet can be found here: . If you have any questions, please contact the lead researcher Christian Reynolds ( This survey can be taken on a desktop computer or a mobile phone - although it is optimised to be taken on a desktop computer.