
Full registration fees are £400 (includes two papers) and £200 for PhD students (includes one paper). Extra paper fees are £150 per paper.

Full and PhD registration include the conference dinner, but you can book and pay for extra guests to attend this (£60 per head).

Any voluntary social activities can be paid for at the venue.

Key dates

Papers are accepted on the understanding that the authors will attend and present their work.

Early registration should be paid by 31 July 2013.

Authors should meet the early registration deadline to avoid issues linked to publication of their work and the preparation of the final programme.

Late registration (after 31 July) will incur a surcharge of £100.

Paying the registration fee

A website has been set up for authors to register which should be largely self-explanatory. You are required to enter the titles of the papers you wish to include in your registration so we can keep track of this.

Registration website