Is ROA Right for Me?

Thinking about going online?

Prospective students will need to demonstrate certain personal skill-sets and habits.  For example, learners will need to be self-motivated, organized, and have strong time-management skills.  Online students will shoulder the bulk of responsibility for their education, and so they must be independent, self-directed, problem-solvers that take personal responsibility for getting the work done.  Click here to take a self assessment to determine if an online program is a good fit for you.         

How to Score the Quiz

If you score between 15-19: 

Congratulations! Online learning is probably right for you.  Talk to your counselor, administrator, or online coordinator to find out the next steps you should take. 

If you score between 9-14:  

First talk to your counselor, administrator, or online coordinator to determine if online learning is right for you.  

If you score between 0-8: 

Online learning may not be the best option for you.  Talk to your counselor, administrator, or online coordinator to determine if there are other options that you can consider.  

Tips to Be Successful Online

Manage your time & Build a Schedule  

Traditional school days provide students with a lot of structure—this is hard to replicate in a virtual learning setting.  

Model Hard Work & Persistence 

Learning online removes many of the systems of accountability present in the traditional classroom.  Achieving the same level of success will likely take a higher level of motivation and self-directed effort.

Set Up a Designated Workspace  

The right workspace makes a huge difference in students' mindset and ability to focus.    

Stay in Communication with Online Teachers

Virtual teachers play a critical role in online learning. Maintaining open, frequent communication is key to student success. Parents and other caregivers need to take part in this ongoing dialogue to make sure students stay on-pace and get the appropriate help when it's needed.