Enrollment Sessions

Students benefit when given choices in their educational environment, therefore open enrollment to our online program will be provided four times throughout the school year. Students may enroll over the summer or during the last week of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd marking period to ensure the student is able to smoothly transition into the next marking period. A student who needs to enroll outside of these designated times must provide a medical excuse, or have a written recommendation from the high school principal or director of special education that has been signed by the superintendent.    

To enroll in the ROA program, the student and his/her family must attend a mandatory enrollment session with the online coordinator prior to beginning classes.  The enrollment session will include a review of the ROA handbook, expectations for coursework, attendance policies, grading procedures, testing procedures, an introduction to technology and a tutorial on Edmentum.  Families will be provided with information on how to monitor student work and grades. These enrollment sessions are in person and in the ROA classroom.

Check back for specific dates and times.