Trust - Green -Peace

Rev. Fr. Prasant Palackappillil CMI's Odyssey to Discover India

Day 5


Route Taken: Day 5

Took of early morning – At Ramnathpuram Fr. Joseph parted way as planned, and the pilgrim was left to himself. Stopped over at an aided college of Saithu, the staff received me well. It was already a holiday. The Principal was absent, but a senior teacher was deputed to talk to me. It was very interesting to note that the college had weekly holidays on Fridays and Saturdays, instead of the usual Saturday-Sunday pattern. Moving on further, arrived at a lonely bit of the planet – Velankanni, which otherwise should have been bustling with life. As it was announced at the reception that I was a priest, I was welcomed and given a room in the presbytery – followed by lunch at the refectory. The meal had very well prepared squid. Offered a private mass in the uncrowded and even otherwise serene chapel – using the sacristy space. For that special permission from the parish priest had to be sought. Found no great meaning in continuing there, especially as all gatherings on Saturday and Sunday were banned by the government. Arrived at CMI house at Puduchery braving heavy rain and negotiating the unfamiliar, winding and narrow terrain with unfriendly traffic coming in the opposite direction.

Uchipuli, Tamil Nadu

Adiramapattinam, Tamil Nadu

Sarabendrarajanpattinam, Tamil Nadu