Media Projects

Christian Jordan, "Layla"

“Layla” is a narrative short film that centers around a young 21 year old girl who suffers from memory loss and ultimately leading her to have depression. Layla makes the decision to attempt to relieve her depression by attempting to take her own life. However, in the middle of doing so, she goes unconscious and is taken to 2 different worlds. Through her journey in the unconscious state, she is reminded that life is worth living and happiness is worth pursuing. This film is aimed to help those who struggle with any mental health problem that may need an escape from reality.

Daniela Monica Perez, Sarah Winter, "There's No Place Like St. Mary's Home: An Awareness Campaign"

Sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment are issues often disregarded by the public. However, despite the severity of these issues, many people are left unaware of the different ways they can help. Whether the volunteer work be physically going to the nonprofit and spending time with the individuals who live or work there, monetary or clothing donations, people must realize that all these do in fact help in more ways than acknowledged. A multi-platform campaign, social media and events are ways in which awareness can be brought to the issue in order to maximize public recognition. Each of the different aspects of the campaign are geared towards bringing eye-opening examples to the issues and in turn generate awareness and donations for the nonprofit organization, St. Mary’s Home. St. Mary’s Home specializes in the care for children who have been sexually abused and neglected by family members. Raising awareness and generating donations are ways in which a multitude of people are made aware of the issue and can potentially help to eradicate sexual abuse and abandonment.

Hayden Pritchard, "Machina"

This short narrative film follows one man’s battle with himself as he searches for a reason to live in the aftermath of his wife’s murder. When a mysterious machine interrupts his search for purpose he is forced to find out how far he’s willing to go to have a chance at happiness. The film is a drama with science fiction elements and uses postmodernist structure to shape how the story is told. This film was created to entertain and intrigue audience members with a creative and compelling narrative told through powerful acting, fluent writing and engrossing shot composition. To achieve these standards a three step production process was carried out over five days by a crew of nine video production students. This process included a pre-production stage for conceptualization and planning, a production stage for filming and a post-production stage for editing and promoting. The film was promoted via a promotional flyer campaign as well as a series of social media posts. This campaign promoted a screening of the film as well as encouraged those who couldn’t make the screening to view an online version of the film. All viewers were encouraged to fill out a brief questionnaire that gauged the viewers feelings toward the film. Overall the film received positive reviews with an emphasis on the strong visuals of the project as well as its interesting and entertaining story.