Poster and Presentation Information

Presentation Format

URS takes the form a poster session. Students will be stationed in the LeBlanc Ballroom. Faculty, staff, fellow students, and other interested parties will walk through the ballroom to hear brief presentations from students. Students should be prepared to explain their work in a few minutes with a background display as an aid. They also should expect to take questions afterwards.


Research accepted for presentation will normally be displayed on a cardboard trifold that measures 36 x 48 inches. We are able to provide a limited number of trifolds to students on a first come, first serve basis. Trifolds can be purchased at most general merchandise stores. Students who wish to present in an alternative format (e.g., video) should contact Dr. Vlad Kravtsov ( to make arrangements as soon as possible.

A student with two trifolds.

A student with a trifold and a video display.