Classroom Management Plan

Welcome to Mr. Pender’s Jr. High Social Studies Class

Classroom Management Plan

**All school policies take precedence over all classroom policies**

Be Ready

  • Be on time for class

  • Make sure you bring all materials to class, this includes pencils, assignments, textbooks and notebooks.

  • Be prepared

  • No gum

  • No eating or drinking unless given permission from me or the school.

  • Masks must be worn at ALL TIMES during the state mask mandate.

Be Respectful

  • Respect yourself and others

  • Respect school and my property

  • When a visitor is in the room or when a visitor is talking (this also refers to another teacher or student) you are to remain quiet.

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Try to stay a safe distance apart

  • Use appropriate language at all times

  • There may be topics that we discuss that students may have differing opinions on. These topics will be in a civilized manner.

    • If students do not follow this rule, they will lose their participation points for that day and will be asked to leave the room.

Be Responsible

  • Stay on task

  • Complete assignments on time. Make sure your first and last name, date, and grade are on all of your assignments.

  • Be honest

  • Take responsibility for your actions.

  • Absolutely no cheating.

    • Any student caught will receive an automatic zero and a referral will be written.

** If the rules are not followed, one of the following will occur:

  • Going to Mandatory study hall

  • Detention

  • After school detention

  • If you disrespect or talk back to me, the student will stay after school with me.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by calling the school or sending me an email at

I am excited to start this new school year with your student and look forward to teaching them the exciting subject of Social Studies.

* Parents and Guardians: Please fill out the attached form and have your child sign the form as well. Return this sheet to me, Mr. Pender, by Thursday, August 19th. This will be for homework points.

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Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter