
At Orewa Beach School we understand that with the increased use of digital devices and the internet comes a range of potential safety concerns focused on both the physical devices and keeping safe online.

The below measures and provided information have been implemented to ensure our students develop positive use of digital technologies and understand how to remain safe both at school and at home.

Digital Citizenship Learning

Every student at Orewa Beach School is able to access the internet for their learning. Along with the use of the internet, all students learn how to remain safe online and practise being a confident digital citizen.

Both explicit and integrated learning takes place school-wide so that students are safe to manage any situations that they encounter online.

Key topics that are/will be taught and practised are:

  • Internet Safety

  • Privacy and Security

  • Relationships and communication

  • Cyberbullying and digital drama

  • Digital footprints and reputation

  • Self-image and identity

  • Information literacy

  • Creative credit and copyright

BYOD Agreement

The BYOD agreement has been developed to ensure everyone involved in the BYOD partnership is aware of their responsibilities. This includes the student, their parents, and the school. It is a requirement that this agreement be signed and returned prior to a device coming to school. It is expected that both teachers and parents will go over the agreement with students both at the beginning of BYOD and as a reminder throughout the year(s).

Device Safety at School

We understand the physical safety of your student's device while at schools is an important factor in BYOD. Within each classroom, the teacher and student will agree on a safe space that will be used to store devices during break times. It is the responsibility of the BYOD student to ensure their device is in this space whenever they are not using it.

We will not ask or expect a student to share their device with their classmates. At times they may wish and we encourage them to "share their screen" when they are collaborating with others but the device should remain under their control. It is at the students risk if they choose to share the control of their device, we have school-owned devices that ensure this is however not necessary.

Keeping Safe Outside of School Hours

We recommend the below steps to ensure both your child and their device remain safe while using their device outside of school hours.

  • Hold appropriate insurance (speak to your contents insurance provider to ensure cover)

  • Always transport the device in its bag and then in the school bag. Be sure to keep any liquids in a separate compartment.

  • Set guidelines for appropriate use of the device at home including the completion of any work/homework prior to any online leisure activities.

  • Allow any home use to take place in a communal space where you can monitor., ie lounge

  • Ask that devices remain in communal areas overnight

  • Know and understand the websites that you allow your child to use at home. Ensure these are age and stage appropriate.

Netsafe is a great online resource to support you and your families positive digital citizenship journey.