Music Standards

It is our goal to produce an outstanding music program. Excellence takes commitment and we strive for nothing less.

We follow the standards for music education as set out by the state of Pennsylvania. These standards outline the skills that each student in our music program should achieve by the end of fifth grade.


PERFORMING- Singing and Playing Instruments

1. I can produce accurate pitch with expanded ranges

2. I can sing and play music independently

3. I can create harmony with my voice or instrument

4. I can sing and play with expression

5. I can use the correct techniques to use when singing or playing

INTERPRETING- Reading and Notating Music

1. I can interpret rhythms patterns, including whole, half, dotted half, quarter,

dotted quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes, rests in 2/4,¾, 4/4, and 6/8

2. I can interpret through voice or instruments simple pitch

3.I can recognize pitches

4. I can apply understanding of standard musical symbols

5. I can use standard symbols to notate rhythm, meter, pitch, and dynamics

CREATING- Improvisation, Arranging, Composing music

1. I can use improvisation to create short songs using

traditional and nontraditional songs

2. I can create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines.

3. I can create rhythmic compositions using notation which are

arranged using a variety of sound sources.

RESPONDING- Listening to, moving to, analyzing, and evaluating music

1. I can interpret through instruments and or voice the gestures

of the conductor

2. I can use music terminology in explaining music

3. I can design a set of criteria for evaluating music performance

and compositions

4. I can exemplify appropriate behaviors

5. I can identify the sounds of a variety of instruments

6. I can classify classroom, orchestra, and world instruments

CONNECTING- Understanding music in relation to history and culture,

other disciplines, 21st-century skills, and life

1. I can exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression

within the community

2. I can understand how music affects and is reflected in culture

3. I can understand the relationships between music and concepts

from the other areas.