
Mrs. Clarke-Ipsen

Go Global!

Take German - Go Global!

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German I German II German III Honors German IV


1. Arrive on time for class!

Be in your seat when both bells ring. If you are tardy, please complete a tardy slip, wait for an opportune moment to show me your pass.

2. Come prepared!

Bring the following every day to class:

Book, workbooks, paper, pencils, pens and a positive attitude. It is your job - not mine!

3. Enter the world of German as soon as you arrive

Begin Los geht's when you arrive and speak German once in the classroom.

4. Complete your homework!

Homework will be assigned nightly. It is imperative to complete it on time.

5. Speak German.

Übung macht den Meister!

Assessment items include:

Students' yearly grades are made up as follows: Quarters 1-4 20% each, the midterm 10% and the final 10%

a. class participation and performance.

b. oral reports- impromptu and arranged.

c. aural ( listening) performance.

d. short written compositions.

e. speeches.

f. special projects.

g. homework.

You can expect homework every night. It is very valuable to practice what you have learned that day in class. You should complete your homework on time for full credit. If you are absent, bring the homework to class the next possible day.