Parade of graduates Details

Graduation COmmunity Parade- Parking Lots open at 5:30 pm.  please do not arrive prior to this time!

First cars to release from lot will be at 6:15 pm on Friday, June 2 

We will start the evening of graduation with a parade through our community.  Graduates will participate in the parade in their vehicles with their family members.  To follow are the details for the parade.  Please note that the parade route is similar to last year's.

Graduates can begin arriving at GT Church (1110 Snyder Road, West Lawn, PA  19609) at 5:30 pm on Friday, June 2 (please DO NOT arrive prior to 5:30 pm as there will be no volunteers available to assist you until that time)  to be lined up for the parade (parade will start at 6:15 pm).  There will be a team of volunteers providing direction regarding the parade line up.  To participate in the parade, there MUST be a graduate in the vehicle.  Please be aware that you will be in your vehicle for an extended period of time, so please plan accordingly!  Once vehicles arrive at the school, they will only be permitted to park in the main parking lots if they have a graduate in their car.  

Graduation Parade Route