
Session A / 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Another One Bites the Dust: Language Learning Myths Busted

Second language teachers have heard them all: ‘English Language Learners need more English so let’s pull them from the second language classroom.’ ‘Time spent learning a language detracts from academic achievement in core subjects.’ ‘Not all students can learn a second language.’ Mary Grantham O’Brien reveals how the research literature debunks these and other common myths.

Presenter: Dr. Mary Grantham O'Brien, Professor and Graduate Program Director, University of Calgary

Audience: General


Collaborative Conversations: BILINGUAL

Join your language program colleagues for guided collaborative conversations around topics that matter to you: Effective resources, supporting all students, routines that work and top teacher tips.

Audience: Teachers of all Bilingual language programs


Walk on the Wild Side: Getting Kids Out of Desks To Talk and Learn

Learning languages is a social affair, and there can be a fine line between high energy activities that have students moving, talking and learning in the second language and chaos. Explore practical ways to keep it focused, fun and tame!

Presenter: Krista Maine and Shannon Webb, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


Idéllo: Une richesse pour la classe de français

The District buys an annual license for teachers to access the thousands of digital resources in French available from Idéllo. Explore what is available at no cost to you and how to use these authentic materials.

Presenter: Nathalie Dufour Séguin, Liaison Officer, Idéllo

Audience: Teachers of French as a second language and French Immersion

Language of Session: French


'Warm Up' to Second Language Learning

Prime your students for learning with a 'warm up' routine. Consider how the wide range of sample activities shared by the teacher presenters could work in your second language classroom, and come prepared to share your favourite warm up activities.

Presenters: Kalen Thorne and Kelsey Spronk, Teachers, Edmonton Public SchoolsAudience: General

Table ronde: La lecture guidée adaptée dans la classe d'immersion française

Apprenez pourquoi et comment ces enseignants utilisent la lecture guidée adaptée comme stratégie pour répondre aux besoins de nos apprenants en français. Ils partagent des conseils pour d'autres personnes qui envisagent de mettre en pratique la lecture guidée adaptée dans la classe d'immersion française. Venez avec des questions pour vos collègues!

Presenter: Jean-Pierre DeCorby and Annette Klassen, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Division 1 and 2 Teachers of French Immersion

Language of Session: French


The Art of Second Language Administration

Successful second language programs do not happen by chance: School administrators work hard to make them that way. Engage in a round table discussion with these administrators as they share their tips and advice.

Presenters: Andrew Lummis, Mary Butlin and Yanick Jean-Proulx, School Administrators, Edmonton Public Schools

Moderator: Marie Commance-Shulko, Consultant, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


Career Pathways Through the Lens of Language

A key aspect of learning a second language is to provide students with a strong foundation for pursuing a diverse range of future opportunities. Learn how to incorporate Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) outcomes into projects you already use with students and how to create cross-curricular projects. Investigate ways to incorporate career investigation into your second language program.

Presenters: Jason Eliuk and Lindsay Adrian, Consultants, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Division 2 and 3 Teachers of all second language programs


A Tale of Diverse Learners

Like many other classrooms, a second language classroom is often composed of a wide range of students with diverse learning needs. This teacher shares how she ensures that all of her students experience success and learn to love learning French!

Presenter: Heather Taschuk, Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General

Language of Session English with French examples

*Please bring technology for accessing Google Classroom

Session B / 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Access For Success: Making Inclusion Work for Second Language Learners

Dr. Katy Arnett returns to engage teachers in a practical discussion around what we already know: Our classes have become ever more diverse and our students do not all learn a second language in the same manner or at the same rate. Katy offers strategies that work to allow all students access to second language success. Come with your questions!

Presenter: Dr. Katy Arnett, Professor of Educational Studies, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Audience: General

Note: Dr. Arnett will lead the session via video conference.


Collaborative Conversations: LANGUAGE AND CULTURE/ESL

Join your language program colleagues for guided collaborative conversations around topics that matter to you: Effective resources, supporting all students, routines that work and top teacher tips.

Audience: Teachers of Language and Culture and English as a second language


Carnaval pour les nuls

Have you thought about organizing a winter celebration en français at your school but don't know where to start? These teachers share strategies, information and ideas for activities to organize your own traditional half or full day Carnaval.

Presenters: Andrea Lowe Davis and Jenniene Dupont, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Teachers of French as a second language and French Immersion


Approaches to Guided Math in the Second Language Classroom

Review the general principles for adapting this best practice of meeting the numeracy needs of a range of second language learners, then learn how some of your colleagues implement adapted guided math in their classrooms.

Presenter: Kirsten Janiak and Moselle Semeniuk, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Division 1 and 2 Teachers of Bilingual and French Immersion programs


Favoriser les compétences orales authentiques en classe de langue

Etre capable d’échanger sur des sujets de la vie quotidienne et dans des situations authentiques est l’un des objectifs visés par nos élèves. Les jeux de rôle, simulations de la vie quotidienne, et les interactions les plus courantes en français auront ainsi un rôle essentiel dans l’apprentissage d’une langue. Découvrez des outils pédagogiques et des idées d’activités, exploitables dans vos classes.

Presenter: Marie Fougy-Houël, Course director, Alliance française

Audience: Teachers of French as a second language and French Immersion

Language of Session: French

Lightbulb Moments: A Tale of New Second Language Teachers

New second language teachers, like many new to the profession, can sometimes find the job’s challenges overwhelming. These new teachers share how moments of clarity, often unexpected, guide their way to success and fulfillment.

Presenters: David Herrera, Kalli Lirette and Sherwin Kwong, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


Engage Your Students: Tips to Try

Students engage in their learning when they find it meaningful to them. Get practical tips on how to ask essential questions and give clear encouraging instructions, then try out some activities that promote critical thinking. You’ll definitely find something to use with your students next week!

Presenter: Nataliya Nayavko, Ukrainian Language Advisor, Alberta Education

Audience: General


Warriors to Keep Indigenous Languages and Culture Alive

Many Indigenous languages and cultures face challenges to remain healthy and vibrant for both current and future generations. We will take a look at how Cree Language and Culture programs in schools help our communities face these challenges. Join in the conversation to share ideas about what we can all do as warriors to keep our languages and cultures alive for our children and for our communities.

Presenter: Lorna Burke, Teacher, Edmonton Catholic Schools

Audience: Teachers and instructors of Indigenous languages


Do You Speak Competencies?

Second language curricula are well-positioned for the development of student competencies. Join us for practical ideas to incorporate competencies into your second language program and find out what second language teachers need to know about new curriculum.

Presenter: Tamie Beattie, Consultant, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General

Session C / 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Ideas Prácticas Para Maestros De Español

¡Innumerables son los lindos y emocionantes recursos disponibles para maestros de español! Venga a esta sesión listo para divertirse explorando materiales, estrategias, recursos y tecnología que usted podrá incorporar fácilmente en sus lecciones.

Presenter: Caleb 'Señor' Howard, 2017 Foreign Language Teacher of the Year, New Jersey

Audience: General

Language of Session: Spanish

Note: Señor Howard will lead the session via video conference.


Collaborative Conversations: FRENCH IMMERSION

Join your language program colleagues for guided collaborative conversations around topics that matter to you: Effective resources, supporting all students, routines that work and top teacher tips.

Audience: Teachers of French Immersion

Language of Session: French


Collaborative Conversations: FRENCH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE

Join your language program colleagues for guided collaborative conversations around topics that matter to you: Effective resources, supporting all students, routines that work and top teacher tips.

Audience: Teachers of French as a second language

Language of Session: French


Fun and Games in the Second Language Classroom

Games used strategically can be a source of rich language learning and not merely language practice. Review characteristics of what makes games worthwhile, as well as fun, then spend time playing a few.

Presenters: Lauren Brus and Betty Yin, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


No More Dictations

Despite their long-time presence in the Bilingual program classroom, traditional dictation spelling tests have limited value. This presentation offers an alternative and more effective research-based method to teach grammar and spelling that frees your students from memorizing lists of rules and words.

Presenter: Joan Waringer, Consultant, Calgary Catholic Schools

Audience: Teachers of all Bilingual language programs

Get Real! Authentic Resources in the Second Language Classroom

How many kilometres separate your classroom from Paris or Tokyo? You know what? It doesn't matter! Learn how to effectively incorporate inexpensive authentic materials into your second language classroom to make the language and culture come alive. Walk away with lots of practical ideas and activities.

Presenter: Quinton Stotz, Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


‘Break out’ of Routine

Breakout rooms are all the rage these days! Learn how to create virtual breakout activities for the second language classroom that require student collaboration and authentic language use to solve challenges.

Presenter: Karissa Potiuk, Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General


Panel Discussion: Adapted Guided Reading in the Bilingual Classroom

Learn why and how these teachers use adapted guided reading as a strategy to meet the literacy needs of a range of second language learners. They share tips for others considering implementing adapted guided reading in the Bilingual classroom. Come with questions for your colleagues!

Presenters: Alex Farrell, Jasmine Wong and Mervat Ibrahim, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Division 1 and 2 Teachers of all Bilingual language programs


Your Guess is as Good as Mine and Other Language Learning Strategies

All language curricula have a strategic learning component. Are you maximizing yours to support English Language Learners in your second language classroom? These teachers exploit language learning strategies to help their ELLs learn the target language... and English!

Presenters: Christie Roethlingshoefer and Maria Carrozza, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General

Session D / 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Planning for 90+% Target Language Use

Instructional time in the second language classroom is precious and the importance of maximizing target language use cannot be overstated. In this session, you’ll hear practical tips regarding:

● What to keep in mind when designing #TL90plus units and lessons

● How to introduce new vocabulary WHILE staying in the target language

● Best practices for assessing students in a #TL90plus classroom

Presenter: Caleb 'Señor' Howard, 2017 Foreign Language Teacher of the Year, New Jersey

Audience: General

Note: Señor Howard will lead the session via video conference.


Learn Like An Adventurer! Teaching Japanese Using Social Media

Explore how today's learners can use social media to enhance their Japanese language learning while incorporating originality and ownership of their learning. Learn how social media can even facilitate conversations between your students and native Japanese speakers. Enjoy exploring technology-mediated communication tools.

Presenter: Yoshifumi Murakami, Japanese Language Advisor, Alberta Education

Audience: Teachers of Japanese

Language of Presentation: Japanese


Impact of the Chinese Bilingual Program on Career Development

The Chinese Bilingual Program at Edmonton Public Schools is recognized around the world for the achievement of its students, hundreds of whom have graduated since 1982. What impact has the Chinese Bilingual Program had on their adult lives and careers? Hear the results of a research survey that reveals the many doors opened to graduates around the world and here at home.

Presenters: Dr. Wei Li, Director, Confucius Institute of Edmonton and Dr. Liang Tian, Chinese Language Advisor, Alberta Education

Audience: Teachers of Chinese programs

Language of Session: Chinese


Les dictées sans fautes

Les dictées ont eu lieu dans les salles de classe de langue depuis toujours, mais est-ce qu'elles sont efficaces? Apprenez une méthode altérnative basée sur la recherche qui fait acquérir aux enfants les compétences nécessaires sans les obliger à mémoriser des listes de règles et de mots compliqués?

Presenter: Rachel Kruchten, Consultant, Calgary Catholic Schools

Audience: Teachers of French Immersion and French as a second language

Language of Session: French

Don’t be Scared: Fairy Tales in the Second Language Classroom

While fairy tales may be classified as scary classics or romantic clichés and are often 'Disney'-fied, this enduring form of literature still fascinates young and old alike in many cultures. As such, fairy tales offer an array of possibilities for the modern second language classroom at all levels of language competency. Let’s get creative!

Presenter: Andreas Meckes, German Language Advisor, Alberta Education

Audience: General

Language of Session: English with examples in German


Todos diferentes, todos iguales: la enseñanza intercultural en la clase de Español

Integrating the intercultural education component in the second language classroom should promote a deeper understanding of other cultures. This can sometimes be a daunting task. Using some preconceived ideas about Spain as an example, we will get some tips on how to overcome the risk of falling into stereotypes.

Presenter: Rodolfo Fernandez, Spanish Language Advisor, Alberta Education

Audience: Teachers of Spanish

Language of Session: Spanish


Getting Started With the Teachers' College Writing Workshop (Lucy Calkins)

Exciting work in literacy is taking place across Edmonton Public Schools as classrooms implement Lucy Calkins writing workshop work. Find out how this is starting to look in French Immersion and Bilingual contexts and get some tips from teachers trying it out.

Presenters: Karissa Shulko and Rita Sarrate, Teachers, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: Division 1 and 2 Teachers of Bilingual and French Immersion programs


ᒧᒋᑲᐣ Mocikan in the Cree Classroom

Getting students to use the target language they are learning for authentic purposes can be a challenge. Motivate Cree language learners through the use of games and activities that require the use of Cree to participate. You will have them agreeing that 'there is fun' in the Cree classroom! Games are adaptable to other languages.

Presenter: Joan Simpson, Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General

Language of Session: English with Cree examples


Research-based Ways to Improve Vocabulary Acquisition

Research reveals that vocabulary is key to learning a second language so how can teachers facilitate true vocabulary acquisition? Should we use word lists? Should we discourage translation? Is grammar more important than vocabulary? Can vocabulary meaning be guessed through context? Should I test vocabulary/knowledge? This session will answer these questions and more…

Presenter: Nancy Musica, Consultant, Edmonton Public Schools

Audience: General