Career & Pathways

Career Pathways

Visit the Career Centre to find information related to post-secondary studies and available scholarships. Our school counsellors are available to guide students with the creation of an educational and career plan (including the use of, the development of a personal resume, and to make course selections and other choices related to various career pathways. Students are also encouraged to visit the Government of Alberta-Learning Information Service website at Here they will find vast amounts of information on career profiles, post-secondary planning, and scholarships. We offer specialized programs that help students discover their own career pathway to the future.

Overview of Career Pathways EPSB


Email to register for work experience (must currently have a job) or information on our other programs.


The HCS3000 Workplace Safety Course is a prerequisite for work experience

Off-Campus Education

Some of the best learning experiences happen outside of the classroom. Off-Campus Education allows students to step outside of the high school environment to gain knowledge, skills and attributes in the world of work. These programs involve the school, our students, and local employers in a collaborative effort to enhance, support and extend our students’ learning and experiences.

Career Exploration

Students can spent a day or half day at a career of their choice to gain an understanding of a real-life experience.  Most of these experiences will occur on school PD Days.  

Includes Boilermakers and Welding, Physiotherapy, Radiation Therapy at the Cross Cancer Institute, Accounting, Early Childhood Education, Engineering with the U of A, Nanoscience

Campus EPSB

Campus EPSB is designed to be an additional way for students to earn high school credits and industry credentials, get ahead of their studies or prepare for post-secondary.  It's a great way to explore opportunities and get hands-on experience that can help students plan their next steps. Most of these programs are for one semester and all day. 

Campus EPSB opportunities

Work Experience Program

Work Experience is an experiential method of learning that integrates a student's classroom studies with on- the-job experiences obtained at a qualifying business or organization. Students acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to work and other valuable life roles through their participation at a placement of their choice. Students can work or volunteer part-time after school or on weekends in a variety of work sites. They will earn high school credits as they develop valuable employment skills.

Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)

The Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is for students who would like an opportunity to experience the trades prior to entering the world of work or post secondary institutions. Students who are on-track to graduate, and meet attendance requirements are encouraged to apply. RAP is designed for students who want to get a head start in the world of apprenticed trades. Students can choose to work in one of Alberta’s skilled trades, gaining experience working towards an apprenticeship, and/or NAIT requirements. RAP students:

The following website is an excellent site to help in choosing a career: access through your Schoolzone account

Additional information: Apprenticeships  and Apprenticeships in Alberta