Welcome to 7EK

Meet your teacher

Hello! My name is Ms Elizabeth Kosky and I am the class Tutor of 7EK. 

Welcome to my class page. Here you can find useful links and information to help you in your new school.   



Evidence for Learning

EfL is an app that staff use to record evidence of student mastery across the curriculum. EfL is also used to log and track progress for Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) targets. We would like all parents to be able to access the EfL evidence in real time as it is uploaded by our teachers and LSA’s. 

This is so easy to do. 

Contact: adminoffice@shaftesbury.harrow.sch.uk to request an EfL log in details for your child. 

Download the EfL parent app from Apple app store or Google play store.

Here are links to ClassDojo and Google Classroom.

Google Classroom


What is ClassDojo?

This year we are using ClassDojo to share class moments with you and your families. Students can receive Dojo points for demonstrating their amazing skills.

Guide for families

ClassDojo is a communication tool that we use in school to connect school staff, students and families. We use ClassDojo to share messages, photos and videos of the school day. You will receive all login information from September. 

Google Classroom

Please watch this video to learn how to login to Google Classroom. 

Remember you need to have your email address and password ready. This information will be given to you in September.