
May 10, 2019 - 6th Grade Announcements

  • Check out math content for 6th grade here.
  • Our spring trips are coming! If your student needs to borrow gear, please let their advisor know as soon as possible. We have plenty to borrow and can ask our community for extra supplies.
  • Please bring your bikes home to practice before the trip! Student’s can leave their bikes out after Friday biking for pick up on Friday afternoons. Bring them back for Friday ride days! Ride days coming up: 5/24, 5/31, 6/7
  • May 16-17 - Practice Camping Trip to Tolt-MacDonald

June 10-12 - Bike Trip to Lopez Island

6th Grade Performance Studies

By Lulu

6th Grade Performance Studies is busy completing their Avatar projects. We are the middle of filming in groups of three. We prepared for this by learning framing and blocking techniques. One day we only took photos and practiced getting only green in the screen! Next, we focused on using Panasonic point-and-shoot cameras. We learned to zoom in and out and the basics of focusing these cameras. We learned to block with three people. One person reading “extra” characters while one person is filming and one person is in front of the green screen reading parts of their script. Afterwards, we will learn to upload into Adobe Suite to use Adobe Premiere and learn basic editing and basic effects, especially using the “keying” effect which will help us turn everything “green” into “black” and eventually overlay the “black” with a photo background of our choice that will help tell our multimedia stories.