Academic Testing/ Evaluation

Here at SGM we conduct a benchmarking test, three times a year. These tests allow our teachers to follow our students academic growth throughout the school year. 

These tests take place in September, January and May. 

Academic Evaluation and Testing— 

● The Missouri Kids Screening Test is administered to each child prior to entering Kindergarten. The Metropolitan Reading Readiness Test is administered in April/May. 

● The Iowa Assessment is administered to grades 2 through 8 and the Cognitive Ability Test is also administered to grades 3 through 8 in September of the school year. 

● Additional Screening and Academic Support Services can be found on the Academic Facilitator and Resource Teachers’ Webpages.

Questions regarding academic evaluation and testing please contact your child’s homeroom and grade level resource teacher.

Mrs. Brasher- Middle School

Mrs. Haskenhoff- Intermediate

Mrs. Hogan-Primary