Grade 5 Understanding

Antonio Luis

This is the maker of this site!

Very cool - James

Very kind - Monique 

James Henry

yeehawwww 🤠

Ethan Santos

Gomu Gomu Pistol!!!!

Maryshia Saffiyah

The sweet girl <3 

Arleney Monique

The K-pop lover :> 

Jion Ager

The smart one

Mathieu Andre

All Hail The Birds!

Arthun Vaan

The funny guy

Josias Caezar

The fake virus troller

Lucas Narvaez

The silent one..

John Kendrick

The troublemaker >:(

Jimin R. Jung

The half Filipino and half Korean ( I guess)

Julian Antonio

Roblox profile pic lol

Khrisaella Miraflor

The one that has a calm voice :)

Mauro Trino

his Pic looks like me if you see farther...

Manfred Steffan


Lana Eowyn

Humor Woman to the rescue!