Classroom Procedures

Los Procedimientos de la Clase - 

Classroom Procedures 

Procedures are a part of life. These procedures establish our classroom culture so we know how to do things the proper way, and as a result can focus on learning. 

1 - Entering the classroom

Enter the class quietly, bring your binder to your assigned seat and sit down. Take care of all phone needs BEFORE the bell rings. You will put your phone in the phone caddy according to your assigned number. If you do not enter the class in such a manner you will be asked to re-enter.

2- Do Nows (Hazlo Ahora)

Must be completed at the beginning of class and on a Do Now worksheet. They will be collected every 2 weeks when the front and back are filled out. They are graded and you are expected to do them on time. If you are tardy and have missed the Do Now you cannot make it up. However, if you have an excused absence, you are responsible for making up missed Do Nows. Please see the slides posted in Google Classroom to complete missing Do Nows.

3 - Be on time: no tardies!

Being on time means you are in your seat with your binder and supplies when the bell rings. If tardy, quietly enter the classroom and immediately begin the work. Remember if you have missed the Do Now you cannot make it up. So come to class on time!

4  - Asking a Question

"One Mic!" Please raise your hand and wait to be called on. Questions should be related to the topic at hand.

5 - Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones are an integral part of our lives; however, they distract from learning and communicating in a language classroom. Therefore, in order to help you, you will put your phone in the phone caddy during class. You will be assigned a number. We will use Chromebooks to play games and work on homework.

6 - Bathroom Policy

Use the bathroom before or after class. Take advantage of the block day break. Do not ask to use the bathroom while the teacher is teaching, we are listening or watching a video. Wait until students are busy doing independent work. Ask the teacher in Spanish “¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?” and then take the bathroom pass if given permission.

7 - Responding to the Teacher's Request for Attention

When you hear the bell and the teacher countdown in Spanish “tres, dos, uno, silencio” at the front of the room, 1. Stop talking, 2. Turn and face the teacher. 3. Pay attention and be ready for instruction. 

8 - When you need a pencil, paper, or pencil sharpener

There are loaner pencils on the table and paper is on the shelf.  If you need something, please raise your hand and one will be given to you. Remain in your seat. You may also quietly ask a neighbor and help each other out.

9 - Keeping your Binder

Your binder should be kept neat and organized. Please use the dividers accordingly. This will be a portfolio of all the work you accomplish and you should be proud of that! ¡Ojo! Binders will be checked at random and you will receive a grade.

10- Indicating whether you understand     

When prompted with comprehension checks, please indicate with your thumb your level of understanding. There are three levels: thumbs down = I don't get it, at the side = so-so, and thumbs up = all good. This will be an indicator for me about whether or not I can move on or we need to review.

12 - Put your Name on your work

You must put your name on all your submitted work. If you forget, your work will be in the No Name  (Trabajo sin Nombre) box for you to find and turn back in for late credit. Please check the box before asking me where your missing work is. 

13 - End-of-period class dismissal

Class is in session until the bell rings. Do not pack up before the bell or get up and retrieve your phone. I close class and then allow you to get your phone. Once you have your phone, sit back down in your seat and remain seated until the bell rings. Please push your chair in when you leave.

14 - When you are absent

You can: a.) check Google Classroom, b.) contact a friend, c.) email me. You are always responsible for obtaining and completing any missed assignments. On your first day back to class look in the “absent” boxes near the door for any missed worksheets.