Middle School Resources

Wellness Tips

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy, happy and ready to learn.

MS Wellness Tips


Crisis Resources

If you are feeling upset, unsafe and/or need someone to talk to, you can always email Ms. Olivia at mcarthuro@sfusd.edu or join our lunch zoom session. Here are some other confidential resources:

Si se siente molesto, inseguro y / o necesita alguien con quien hablar, siempre puede enviar un correo electrónico a la Sra. Olivia a mcarthuro@sfusd.edu o unirse a nuestra sesión de zoom en el almuerzo. Estos son algunos otros recursos confidenciales:

  • California Youth Crisis Line - Call 1-800-843-5200, Text HOME or MYLIFE to 741741, or go to Chat Page for a supportive adult to talk to.

  • Go to Teen Line to talk to other teens

  • Download My3app

  • Go to LGBTQ Peer Support chat room.

  • Huckleberry House 24/7 Crisis Line - 415-621-2929. They can also help you if you need a safe place to stay.