Podcasts 21-22

Podcasting for the People: Critical Lens Podcasts

Block 1 


This podcast explores Euphoria as it relates to real life and how real high schoolers relate to the characters and see parts of themselves represented in the show. 


A podcast regarding students’ opinions on historical education via ethnic studies

Gender Roles

A podcast about how gender roles affect working moms. 

Video Game

A podcast about how women struggle to find their spot when it comes to the gaming industry. It is mainly about the actions of certain people (mostly men) that cause this type of displacement.

Environmental Racism: Justice

The episode dives deep on the history of Hunters Point/Bayview, regarding the environmental pollution and the effects that it has on the residents of the neighborhood. With guest speaker, Brett Womack, we discuss the past, present, and future of the environment at Hunters Point/Bayview. 

The Border Inside and Out

This podcast talks about the process of crossing the border and what goes on in someone's mind and what makes them decide to cross the border. It also talks about the difficulties adapting to a new place and making it your new home.

Andrew Andrew Podcast

The main topic of this podcast is on the stigma on mental health, depression and suicide especially among teenage boys and how there is potentially a double standard present on how we treat boys vs. girls with depression/ suicidal thoughts. In this podcast we also discuss potential methods to improving mental health which include cold showers, and mindfulness/ meditation. 

No More Ace-Umptions 

Exploring misconceptions about asexuality and how queer exclusionism harms more than just the excluded, featuring ace guest speakers Alexa (they/them) and Avery (he/him).

Critical Race Theory

You may or may not have heard about the controversy of it being taught in schools, how it “ teaches kids to hate white people ”. As a POC, I wanted to shed some light on this topic, and also get the opinions of my peers on it. I wanted to learn about the different experiences they have, and see how they intersect with mine, or how they don’t. 

We are still in a pandemic 

In todays episode we tackle masking (or un-masking) as we see it now with interviews from V and Ariana Spencer.

Mache das für die Schule

Yo, so this podcast is about the Trans Experience. Hopefully this gives you some insight about what it's like to be Trans in the modern era.

 “Are you really pushing P?” 

Brown People Inc. presents a podcast discussing the societal structures we live in. In the episode “Are you really pushing P?” our hosts talk with Walker and Brandon about what men act like on the internet and the way it affects society.

Kumaris: Is It Really Our Business at All?

This podcast examines the practice of Kumaris, its ethics, and if people are allowed to judge a culture they may never fully understand. 

Radio Young Musicians 

A podcast where we discuss music in San Francisco, California through the eyes of youth. Pop, Jazz, Funk, Latin, and so much more. Radio Young Musicians! 

The Tsismis Corner (The Gossip Corner) 

 How Filipinos and Filipino-Americans live as a minority in society, tackling stereotypes while also appreciating their culture as a whole. This episode specifically takes on 2 students and their experiences with Filipino stereotypes  and appreciation at Lowell.

Model Minority Myth

The model minority myth is problematic in many ways, but a lot of the issues centers around education. In today's episode, I want to look into how the stereotype impacts a student's identity and how they perceive themselves.

Childhood Trauma 

My podcast is about examining childhood trauma and the effects on us. The podcast contains 2 different people who talk about their trauma and how it has affected them as well as their healing process.

Public Transportation 

In this podcast, we analyze the issues and impacts of inadequate public transportation in the Bay Area, along with sharing experiences aboard public transport.

High School Experience 

This podcast is about how freshmen feel in their first year of high school if they used to think that it was going to be something like a school movie or way different than a high school movie. 


 A discussion about whether or not a TV show centered around romance in the 19th century can be considered a feminist work.

Consumer Culture 

With ever increasing innovation and trends, fast fashion is becoming more and more pervasive in our society. Although this is an issue that starts at the top with retailers, we tend to place blame on consumers. How can we work towards reducing fast fashion, but not at the cost of shaming people?

Unapologetic Antagonism

This episode of Unapologetic Antagonism explores the education system from a highly critical lens.  It explores student’s experiences and the mechanical and meritocratic nature of the education system, education’s relation to mental health, and how class and race play into inequities in the modern education system.

Block 6 

"This is Dope" 

Have you ever wondered about the most competitive athletic competition in the world, aka the Olympics. On this episode of “This Is Dope”, your hosts Audrey and Eli examine the doping scandals in the recent Olympics and interview multiple athletes to get their opinions on these events. 

Race vs. Academic Stress 

Our podcast is us interviewing a diverse few students at Lowell and asking them the same questionnaire based around academic stress, to compare them and discover how different people feel about the intensity of academics and why they feel that way.

Sexuality: Video Games 

My podcast talks about the amount of sexuality in present day video games. It explores what the players think of the sexual characters and why they think present day games still try and over-sexualize their characters. 

Crypto Currency 

My podcast is about cryptocurrency and the opinions of my interviewee about crypto.

Asian Hate

This podcast is about Asian hate and how it relates to the past discrimination of Asians in America.

Gender Roles

As an first generation Asian American kid with immigrant parents we often times have very different experiences and points of view; a very contested topic is regards to gender roles and how sexual orientation is explored in an Asian American household. I wanted to explore the perspective of gender roles from a girls and guys point of view.

Non Fungible Token (NFT)

A podcast episode about what NFT’s are, what they do, and how it impacts social class.

The Voice Behind the Accent 

From my interview I have learned Europeans accents are more preferred because of its caucasians influence while non- Europeans accents are more discriminated against which Arise from racism.

Gender & Clothing 

This podcast is about gender inequality in clothing and how it affects others. 


This podcast focuses on the community of a part of the internet that refers to themselves as "incels". We discuss what we know, how they affect the people around them and why they may be the way they are.

Ukraine Conflict   

This podcast examines the question, "Is Putin trying to eliminate the Ukrainian race?".

Hairstyling: Who cares? Dye your hair!

Our podcast discusses the lives of teens with dyed hair. We tackle stereotypes and the why behind why teens do it. 

Block 4

Gender Identity & Fashion

In our podcast, we interview two individuals to find out whether gender identity and fashion are connected. And if so, how do people use fashion to express their gender identity?

Years of Hatred Rooted in Skin Color

Colorism is deeply rooted within our history and continues to affect people today. In this podcast, we will  be able to listen to people's experiences and how this problem affects them.

Episode #1: Queer Representation or Exploitation 

 Eva and a guest examine modern-day queer representation in the media and its positive and negative effects on the LGBTQ+ community.

Sexualization of Anime 

Anime, a cultural phenomenon, might not be as phenomenal as it seems. Today, we will explore the sexualization of underaged characters, from fan service to the community’s response. (By the way, the girl in the photo is twelve-year-old Shiro who is usually seen in lewd fan service with her eighteen-year-old brother, Sora, who is also pictured here :). Both are seen in the popular anime “No Game No Life”.)

Latinx Stereotypes 

The podcast is about Latinx community members' reactions to media depictions (stereotypes) of them. What are their thoughts on them? How do they affect them? Is it really so crucial? 


This podcast is about the unique experiences people of color face when they are queer, and for episode 1,  focused on the Asian American experience. My interview with Katherine Song was an attempt to learn more about other people’s experiences with their family members and to see whether that resonated with what I had experienced.


Our podcast is about raising awareness to the problem of gentrification and bringing a realization into peoples minds that this is very real. We want to project that this affects a lot of people and families and something needs to be done to solve this problem.


 In this episode we investigate the commonly known idea of dance in proximity to toxicity and abuse. We talk to two dancers who have had very different experiences with the art form to see what really goes on within the studios.

Social Media 

This podcast’s topic is how social media affects young women and how impressionable it can really be. 

Toxic Masculinity 

This episode centered around getting the views of toxic masculinity from an Ethnic Studies teacher and a regular student from Lowell High School. We discussed toxic masculinity, and if it is real or not. 


In the podcast, Dysmorphia, we interviewed one man, one woman, and one genderqueer person about their experience with body image and how it connects to their gender identity and the societal expectations around it. 


Wealth and Sports

In sports there has been a historical advantage for wealthier players, whether it is the ability to pay for better clubs or coaching.

The 411

My podcast goes over the issues of coming out for lesbians and gay men. It is to enlighten those who are unaware of the choice of labels people use to identify themselves and how it is affected by society.

Cancel Culture 

My podcast is on cancel culture and how it ties in with the critical race theory. I interview some classmates and friends to see what they have to offer on this topic.

Asian Fishing 

My podcast topic is about Asian fishing. The most important aspect is that it's harmful to Asian women to be fetishized by men watching people appearing Asian and acting submissive.


Politi-call is about showing what certain political leaning individuals are actually like and subverting expectations about them. Listen to this and you might see people much differently than what you would make them out to be.

Block 7

Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality  

Discussion where we talked about body positivity vs. body neutrality and their differences.


Looking for a podcast that has an example of cyberbullying?

Well then this is the perfect place to come to if you are looking for a good option.

Mental Health

A discussion on how it looks like to access mental health resources for low income households.

Teen Pregnancies 

Teen pregnancies have been known to be a controversial hot topic. The opinions of my community matter when I ask the question, “What's your opinion on teen pregnancy?”. The goal is to view the different outlooks on teen pregnancies.

Model Minority Myth at Lowell 

In this podcast, we dive into the model minority myth and how it impacts both Asians and non Asian POC students at Lowell High School.

Asian Hate After COVID-19

How Asian hate was affected by Covid-19 and how that affected Asian people.

Psychedelic Treatment

Our podcast is about mental health and psychedelic treatment. In this episode, we examine people's opinions on psychedelics and what they think the future holds for  them in a therapeutic setting through a lens of social class and culture.


Audrey Lee interviews people about the effects of cyberbullying and their experiences.

Even the Playing Field 

This podcast covers the disparities in women's sports compared to men’s. You’ll hear from two sports fans about their opinions on the topic, as well as some of my own opinions. 


A podcast discussing the role that influencers hold over the youth today.

Eurocentric Beauty Standards 

This podcast is based on how people made Eurocentric Beauty Standards and how my sister feels about it, and also what she thinks about it.

Geographical Gender Roles 

Mostly everyone has experienced some type of gender role. Gender roles have been a part of everyone's lives, for some of us more than others. In this podcast we are going to talk about how these roles affect people's lives and their opinions on them. We are also going to talk about how gender roles are viewed depending on where you live.   

The Orgasm Gap 

In this podcast, we explore the orgasm gap, also known as orgasm inequality, which shows the number of men who have orgasms in sexual encounters versus the number of women and the disparity between the two.