High school designated eld Writing language and content objectives

See below for support with writing language and content objectives and ELA/ELD alignment

Examples and sentence frames for writing language objectives in all disciplines

How and why of language objective writing, with sentence frames and alignment with ELD Standards

Language skills & strategies aligned to ELA spirals grades 9-12

Designated, Integrated & Sheltered ELD in Middle and High School 

Designated ELD

In D-ELD classes, teachers use English language development standards to support content instruction toward the development of critical English academic language skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for content learning in English.

Integrated ELD

I-ELD is English language instruction embedded in content area classes. Teachers with English learners integrate CA ELD and content standards to support linguistic progress as well as core academic content.


In SFUSD middle and high schools (with an ELD pathway), Sheltered Classes are content classes specifically for newcomers, students who have been in the U.S. for less than 3 years.