Student-Led Conferences

What are Student-led Conferences?

Student-led Conferences are meetings between students, their families, and their teachers to share academic work and discuss progress. Though the format may vary, these conferences differ from traditional conferences in that they place students at the helm of teacher-supported discussions with parents about student progress and learning. SLCs also often present opportunities for students to prepare, reflect on, and discuss evidence of their learning and growth by way of student portfolios.

Student-Led Conferences

What is a Student-Led Conference?

  • An opportunity for students to share with their families and teachers their work and their own reflections on their learning.

  • A structured format that puts the student front and center of the process. Students truly lead the conference, but everyone involved actively participates.

Why have Student-Led Conferences?

  • Student-led conferences help students cultivate ownership of their education and build a strong connection between home and school.

  • The conference process helps students comprehend the importance and means of taking charge of their own learning.

When Should Student-Led Conferences be held?

  • Schools that have adopted this model use it twice a year at the time when traditional family-teacher conferences are usually held.

  • Opportunities for a separate time to meet with teachers if families would like to discuss their children’s progress with the teacher are also made available to families.

Foundational Reading

How do student-led conferences inspire students to own their own their learning?

Student-led Conferences in Action

A student at SFUSD's Visitacion Valley Middle School shares his learning
Description of the power of SLCs for student empowerment & ownership

Spotlight on SFUSD Practice:

Student-Led Conferences at

Roosevelt Middle School

Roosevelt Assessment for Learning Spotlight
Reflection on SLCs at Roosevelt Middle School
Roosevelt Student Led Conference Template ELA
Google Slides template students can use to prepare for an SLC

Additional Resources

District Examples


