Academic Planning Tools


Incoming 9th Grade:

9th Grade Course Guide

Incoming 10th Grade:

10th Grade Course Request Form

Incoming 11th Grade:

11th Grade Course Request Form

Incoming 12th Grade:

12th Grade Course Request Form
Math Guidance for Incoming Freshmen 2024-25 SY

Math Acceleration Guidance for Incoming Freshmen (or Rising Sophomores)

2024-2025 School Year


Incoming 10th , 11th, & 12th Grades:

2023 Course Selections Slides


Spring 2022, Online Course Selections - Google Slides.webm

(2022 Video with narration- please note due dates are incorrect on this video)


Check out this video for step-by-step instructions for completing your course requests in StudentVue. Please note, this video was recorded during distance learning. The following has changed:

How-To Video: Course Requests on StudentVue.mp4

COURSE INformation:

2023 Course Highlights


Students must complete 230 credits in order to graduate. SFUSD's graduation requirements are aligned with the A-G college entrance requirements. Students must complete a certain number of credits in each subject area in order to be eligible for graduation and college admissions. Each course is worth 5 credits per semester.


Click here to make your own copy of this document:

Four Year Planning Tool

Health & College/Career Credit:

Advice for 9th Grade Students...

Advice for 10th Grade Students...

Advice for 11th Grade Students...

*Review your transcript and make up any D or F grades in summer/night school. You can ask your counselor for a copy of your transcript.  Juniors should have at least 110 credits. Each class at Lincoln is worth 5 credits. 230 credits is required for graduation.  

*Start exploring different career and major interests, programs, and schools.  

*Get involved in extracurricular activities: sports, clubs, organizations, student government, etc.  It’s the quality of extracurricular activities that matters to colleges, not the quantity, so pick activities that are meaningful and interesting to you.  It is certainly challenging to carryout extra curricular activities during Distance Learning, but you can be creative.  Helping your siblings with homework or zooming with an elderly person at an convalescent home can count as extra curricular activities.

*TESTS: Normally, Juniors take their SAT’s, ACT’s, or SAT II’s during the spring semester, but times have changed. The tests are no longer required for admission for UC and CSU schools.  Check the requirements for private schools as each school is different.  If you are able to locate an open test center, taking the tests even if your school does not require the exams for admissions is recommended.  It can only add to your application.   Why don't you recommend I take the PSAT? More info here

*Remember, 10th and 11th grade grades count for college GPA's.  Aside from taking AP classes, another way you can bump your GPA is by taking classes at the community college level.  Consult with your counselor for information and recommendations.  

*Useful websites to explore:

*Useful book:  

Rugg's Recommendations on the Colleges (if you want to do a college search by selectivity of majors)

Advice for 12th Grade Students...

Please see Senior Newsletter for up to date information 

How to Calculate your GPA 

Watch this video to learn how to calculate your GPA. This is extremely helpful for those who have taken a college course.