Explore: Conditionals

Lesson Overview

Students will first use, then modify, a project exploring conditionals in Scratch using the TIPP & SEE model.

This will provide students with another opportunity to tinker with this concept in Scratch before starting an open-ended project in the next lesson.


  1. 💫 Review: Use the pages in the Purple Workbook to gain a deeper understanding of conditionals. (5-10 min.)

  2. 🚀 Explore: TIPP & SEE Conditionals: _____ Scratch activity (35-50 min.)

  3. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.)


  • computing devices for all students

  • Purple Level Student Workbooks, pp. ___

    • English / Spanish

  • TIPP & SEE Conditionals: _____

    • activity pages (slides 5 & 6)

      • English / Spanish

    • Scratch project

      • English / Spanish


conditional: a statement that only runs under certain conditions or situations


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

Additional Resources